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Title- Cold.
Words- 600+
Request- Yes!
TW- Sickness.
Description- Where M/N catches a cold due to the cold weather in Snowchester an Ranboo helps them get better.

(Minecraft AU and platonic cuddles. Probably not accurate.)


It's very cold in Snowchester, VERY cold. You would walk out of the house for one second and freeze to death.

So when M/N forgot his coat he caught something he didn't want to. Normally he didn't get ill. He had the occasional bug, but that was it.

(Mum I threw up..)

He just came back from playing in the snow and went of to bed, normal right? Only that he woke Ranboo up in the middle of the night coughing.

The platonic husbands, ranboo and tubbo, their adopted son, Micheal and M/N all lived together.

Tubbo and Micheal were deep sleepers, but because of Ranboos ended man like state he wakes up easily.

So Ranboo, wanting to see what all the coughing was about decided to knock on your door.

"M/N, are you dead?"

There was no reply, just more coughing so he opened the door and faced a very pale M/N.

"Oh my, M/N are you Ill?"

The boy looked up from his pillow sadly and nodded slowly trying to hide his pain.

"Hey, it's alright, I'll get you some water and a bowl in case you do throw up."

The sleepy boy smiled weakly and put his head back on the pillow.

"Keep warm." Ranboo whispered before going into the kitchen.

While getting a cup tubbo walks into the kitchen in a green dressing gown.

"Was that M/N coughing?"

Ranboo shakes his head yes.

"It sounded pretty bad is he okay."

"Yeah, I'm just getting him water and a bowl just in case."

"Okay.. I'm going to check on micheal, tell M/N to get well soon."

He laughs, "will do."


Ranboo sits on the edge of the bed were M/N was drinking water.

"This is weird for me.." M/N mumbles "I always play in the snow and just now it decided it would get me ill."

Ranboo sighs, "You need to be more careful M/N.. next time put a coat on! If you forget one more time your not going out there!"

"Okay dad..." he mumbles just enough that Ranboo couldn't hear. (Dadboo)



"It's pretty late M/N, about 2:00am, you should probably get some sleep."

"What about you?"

"I'll be right next to you don't worry," he says booping the boys redish nose.

He smiles and puts the water he was previously drinking onto a coaster.

He threw up a couple of times after Ranboo got the bucket, but for a while it's been all good. Until now.

"Ranboo, I don't feel so good-"

I think you can imagine the next part. Ranboo tried his best to hold the hair you had back, trying not to get it in the sick.

He hands you a tissue. "I'll clean the sick, you clean your mouth and drink some of that water, I'll be back in a minute.

So he does just that. When he finishes the disgusting task he returns back into your room, putting the bowl at your bedside. He then gets under the covers to the other side of you.

Cuddling up to you, you look at him. "Ranboo, thank you for taking care of me, I might have to do it to you later to."

"Nah, enderman are big men."

"Yeah.." you yawn, "enderman are big men." Your eyes close a bit before fully closing.

"Goodnight M/N get well soon..."


In the morning Phil is greeted with Ranboo, Tubbo and Micheal all cuddled up to M/N.

He sighs... he will never understand this family.


Next- Fundy.

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