Dream x Reader

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It was dark. The only light source being a laptop sitting on a small desk in the corner of a room. A boy, looking no younger then 24 was laying peacefully in a deep slumber which was soon to be obliterated as a loud ringing echoed throughout the room.

A groan was heard from inside the sheets as a arm popped out from them, picking up a phone that was sitting on the dresser and pressing a button so that the highly irritating noise would stop.

After a couple minutes of no movement at all the arm came out once again, this time pulling the sheets off the boy under them and heaving themself up so the boy was sat up straight. Before they could get up however a small knock was heard from the door.

"Honey are you up?" His mother said opening the door slightly so she could look at him.

"Yeah Unfortunately." He replied back getting a smile in return and a quick 'hurry and get up' before his mum left the room.

After sitting there for another 5 minutes the boy sighed and got up from his position, walking to his dresser and pulling out the clothes he wanted to wear soon getting into them.

When he was finally ready he walked down the stairs only to be greeted by his dad sitting on the sofa watching 'This morning'.

"Morning Father." He said walking straight past him and Into the kitchen.

"Morning!" He heard his father shout back making the boy laugh to himself while he poured cereal into a bowl, soon after putting the milk in and joining his father on the sofa.

"I'm thinking of going to the library today." The boy tells his dad.

"You? M/N? Going to the library. Bloody hell are you alright." His father says causing the boy, who we now know as M/N to face his father and glare at him.

"I need to find a book for my co-worker, they said they needed it."

"Right Okay." His father says while turning back towards the Tv, making silence envelope them once again.

"Hey dad? I think I'm going to go now, tell mum that if she needs me just ring me okay?" M/N tells his father after finishing his breakfast.

"Will do mate, have fun." He said while the boy got up and put his bowl into the sink.

"See you!" He shouts as they open the fire and start heading out of it.


Outside was cold, frost everywhere in sight but that didn't stop the boy from getting to the library.

When arriving two big brown doors welcomed him, ushering then inside. Once stepped in the boy could smell the old books, sitting there waiting to be picked up.

He looked to his right and saw a well kept reception, files scattered across the table and new books everywhere ready to be shelved. As the boy had no idea what he was looking for he decided to head towards it in hopes the person on reception would know.

"Excuse me?" He said when reaching the desk. "I'm looking for a book, uh," he pulls out a piece of paper and slides it over to the receptionist. "Yeah I'm looking for that book? Do you have it?"

"Yeah we have it. Section B, you wanna look under the letter T and it should be there."

"Ah okay thank you!" The boy said heading over to where the receptionist had said.

"T...T..T.. there it is!" They say pulling out a incredibly dusty book, blowing off the dust.

The boy then looks around wondering what he has to do next shortly after deciding to walk back to the desk asking if he had to do anything.

Dream Smp x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now