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Title- Cake Making.
Words- 600+
Request- Yes!
TW- Swearing.
Description- Where M/N and Ranboo try to cook.


M/N and Ranboo were never good at cooking. They tried to, plenty of times but have always made something that killed god.

Today they were going to try again.

M/N was over at Ranboos just looking through his cupboards. When your really good friends with someone their house is yours also so Ranboo didn't say anything about it.

He couldn't find anything in the cupboard he was looking in so he just went over to another one. He opened it up and right infront if him was some cake mix.

"Ranboo? Is this cake mix I see?"

You turn over to were he is and raise your eyebrows. Immediately he knew what you were thinking. He smiled and looked down. He was not prepared to make another cake.

"Wanna make it?"

He thinks for a second before getting up from his seat and walking over to you. He then grabs the cake mix and walks over to the counter. You smile and walk over to him to.

"Lets do this thing!"

"Oh god.."

The cake you both were trying to make was a chocolate one. The method was on the back and it seemed to be easy to make.

"It says we have to put all the things in this box into a bowl then add like 2 eggs."

Ranboo reads the method while you just nod and get the eggs out of the fridge. He had already started putting some ingredients in so you looked into the bowl to see how it was going.

"It looks plain..."

Ranboo steps back to look at it and nods.

"Yeah very plain.. maybe we should add something."

".. oh! I have some skittles!"

You run over to your bag and pull the skittles out, making ranboo go over to the fridge and get m&ms out.



You open the sweets as Ranboo opens the chocolate and you poor it in at the same time. After He mixed it you both took another step back.

"This is going to taste like shit isn't it?"

"I don't know maybe it will taste good?"

"Ranboo we put fucking skittles in a chocolate cake."

"I'm hopeful."

You just sigh and grab the bowl so you can put it in the pan. Once that is done you put the cake in the oven and walk back over to Ranboo.

"Do you have any cake decorations?"

"I think we have icing, that's really it."

"I have fruitella in my bag, if this is going to taste shit why not make it shittier?"

When the cake finally cooks Ranboo takes it out of the oven. You then start to decorate it with packs of icing, making sure that it's really packed on there.

"Wait! If it's chocolate cake we should of added chocolate spread!"

"I think we have some in the cupboard, let me find it."

There was already lots of icing on the cake, probably more icing then cake but chocolate spread would complete it.


You and Ranboo then get knifes and start putting on the chocolate. When most of it was falling of you quickly put the other things on it.

"We didn't take the rappers of the fruitella.."

Ranboo looks at you and back at the cake.

"We don't have to eat that part..?"

You look down before laughing. This cake was absolutely rubbish. It looked and probably tasted like shit. Soon Ranboo joined in with the laughter. If only you listened to the method you'd have a semi decent cake.

But it was alright you didn't have a perfect cake. If it was perfect then you and Ranboo wouldn't have as much to do or bond over.

Cake making was a sign of your friendship and even though you never got it right, it became a tradition to make a stupid cake on everyone of your birthdays.

Next- dreamnap x child M/N.

Song suggestion- The cigarette duet (don't remember the artist 💀)

I'm having dreamnap brain rot everyday of the week what can I say? Requests may be opening again!

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