Chapter 38: You're here too

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"Sorry. It's my fault." Geto apologizes with his head down.

"Who knows what might happen?! Master Geto, you're faster than me! Go ahead!" Kuroi said before she was captured.

"I didn't take into consideration that Kuroi could also be important to the enemy." Geto explains.

"Is that right? It's not a big deal." Gojo says, brushing off Geto's apology. "The enemy is probably gonna try to take advantage of the hostage situation, and demand a trade of Amanai for Kuroi, or something like if we don't kill Amanai, they'll kill Kuroi."

He then goes in to suggest that they should take Riko back to Jujutsu Tech and use Shoko as a double for Riko.

Riko's ears perk up and instantly she rejects the plan.

"Wait! I'm going too! I can't trust you guys with this!" She says with a hand on her chest.

"What? You brat, do you realize what kind of situation you're-" Gojo then gets cut of by Riko

"Even if you rescue her... what happens if she isn't back by the time of the merger?"

"I still haven't gotten to say goodbye to her!" She says with tears welling up.

"...We'll be getting a call from the kidnappers soon." Gojo says. "If they're smarter than we thought and if taking you means that Kuroi's chances of survival decreases, we're gonna leave you behind."

After hearing Gojo's plan she wipes her tears with a determined face. "Understood! That's fine." She says.

"And don't even try and back out halfway. We have no need for scaredy-cats. Got it?" Gojo says, burning holes in her face with his eyes peeking through his glasses.



"How can class be so boring." You say, walking out to recess. You were the youngest one there, being five years old while the others were six or seven.

The reason being that kindergarten was a bit... too easy. You used the library a lot to watch YouTube videos on their computers, searching up more advanced learning and practice problems.

Ultimately the school just decided to move you up a grade.

You always stay under the slide where it provided the most shade, giving you the best place to either draw, read, eat, or sleep.

Your safe place in elementary.

After recess there would be one more hour of school before you were all dismissed to go home.

You were peacefully minding your own business before a teacher with a walkie-talkie jogged up to you.

"L/n Y/n?" The teacher you knew as Ito Sensei asked.

You looked up at her with a scowl on your face, not really happy to be bothered. "Yes?" You asked.

"You are to be sent home early, you're neighbor is here to pick you up." She said.

You raise your brow and stand up. "Is there a reason why I'm leaving?" You asked her, already suspicious about the whole situation.

"A doctor's appointment." She said, dumb enough to believe that that's exactly why you were leaving.

Not wanting to start a commotion you follow her to the office after grabbing your things from the classroom. If one of your neighbours were there and not some stranger, you would comply and ask them about it when you were alone.

The front office doors open, a number of office ladies typing away on computers and organizing files don't even turn to look at the door. It was kind of cold in their as well.

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