Chapter 41: It's really sweet

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"Here you go." Toji says as his worm curse spits out Riko's dead body. The limp body falls to the floor roughly, no remorse in the action.

"The corpse of Amanai Riko, the star plasma vessel. Complete with all limbs." Toji reports.

Representative of The Star Globe Cult: Sonoda Shigeru

"Indeed. I have confirmed it. The transfer will be a as we agreed. I might even add in a little extra." Sonoda said covering the girl's body.

"Generous as expected Guru man." Toji said.

"He ain't a guru..." Toji's employer corrected. Not that Toji cared. He turned his head towards the representative with a question. "Really? You not only covered all of our expenses, but also provided a fair amount of support no? I thought you guys would complain more..."

"Requesting for an assassination was a last resort. The star globe cult started in the Nara period, at a time when Tengen preached a moral system favouring minorities." Sonoda explains. The next few minutes he yaps about how the cult's beliefs are valid. How non-shamans are what they advocate for. Therefore the merger was simply impure.

"But if Tengen goes berserk, humanity will lose its standing won't it?" The man in the suit asks, taking a puff out of his cigarette.

"We hold no regrets in falling amongst stars." Sonoda says, carrying Riko's corpse. Soon taking his leave.

Toji swirls a finger next to his temple with a stupid face, implying the dude is crazy.

Him and the man in the suit make their way out of the room and part ways, leaving Toji alone.

He walks into the fresh air outside, breathing in new oxygen and exhaling. He reaches behind him where his curse's mouth is and signals it to give him something.

It obliged obviously, carefully slipping out your covered cold body.

Toji carries you bridal style, a guilty look an his face.

In all honesty, the bullet was never meant to hurt you let alone kill you. His aim was off due to him being in the middle of a fight with Geto. All that was in his mind was to eliminate Riko.

The first bullet was aimed at her heart but your head was in the way. The bullet went through your skull and when he realized it didn't kill Riko he shot again in her head.

Even if he didn't mean to kill you, it's not like he could leave any witnesses alive.

"Ah... I remember you now. Lollipop girl." He muttered quietly. He set down your body on a pillar, a little bit hidden. It's not like he could go around out in the open with a freaking corpse, plus he needed space in the worm curse for his weapons.

He stood back up again and continued walking.

'That was a really good lollipop.' He thought.

He continued forward until a tall and lean figure appeared in front of him.

"Yo, long time no see." Gojo said, a blue lollipop in his mouth along with a wide grin. His eye peeking through his hair while he addressed Toji.

"Are you serious." Toji asked, a bit disturbed and confused.

" Toji asked, a bit disturbed and confused

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