Chapter 45: See ya later

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Since Geto left, you've gained multiple other abilities due to strenuous training. Gojo trained you so you can try to get a handle on them, so that's what you've been doing.

You were in your room when you heard a knock on your door. Feeling out the space you could tell that it was Gojo.

"Come in!" You shout to him. He instantly blasts inside with his usual wide grin. He now wears bandages over his eyes to which you secretly hate since he usually makes you tie them around his head, plus you really liked his eyes. Not that you would let him know that.

It's seriously a hassle, but anything for Gojo right?

He was also now a teacher so you see him less and less, but he does try his best to make time for you. You don't mind when he's gone because his reasoning to being a teacher was one you admired.

Teaching new generations of sorcerers is definitely crucial if the world of Jujutsu is changed for the better. He likes to tell you stories about his students, to which you listen intently to.

However today felt different. Almost like there was a chill in the air. The space around you was definitely reacting to something.

"Hey Y/n!" He greets with a bone crushing hug.

"Can't... breathe." You tell him in a strained voice. He snickers as he lets go.

"Ok just so you don't freak out. I just received a new student and he has some special... circumstances. Don't ask questions, but if you feel like a curse is nearby or something similar. Just know it's just him." Gojo reports to you.

"Oh. So that's why today felt different." You mutter. "He must be some student." You say with a smile. Hoping maybe one day you'll meet him.



Yuta sneezes loudly, making Maki grimace.

Panda hands him a tissue. "You sick man?" He asks with concern.

"No..." he mutters quietly.

"Bonito flakes." Inumaki says, making his arms into an "x" shape. "Tuna mayo."

"Huh? So you think someone's talking about the new kid?" Maki asks, making poor Yuta cower in her gaze.

Panda laughs loudly at Yuta's shyness, making him want to hide more.


"Yup, he's definitely gonna stick out like a sore thumb!" Gojo says in glee.

You deadpan, feeling nothing but pity for the mysterious new student. 'Good luck.' You cheer in your head.


(If you don't remember this, refer the Chapter 4: Well This Sucks.)

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