Barb babysits you

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This chapter was requested by CelineLmbke, thank you for the idea☺️
(I know that some of you are probably going to be thinking 'why is Barb so nice and soft in this' the reason is is that on her wiki page it dose say that she has a soft spot for kids, so I imagine that if she did babysit a kid she would probably be responsible? Or at least careful so the kid don't get hurt in her care, and I think she would show her soft side towards that child as well)
Anyway on with the story

Volcano rock city.
You had to admit, that place still gave you chills sometimes, whether it was because of the whole look of the place or because you associated it with fear because of the world tour incident and the whole rock zombie incident, you didn't know. You weren't terrified of it anymore but it still creeped you out a little.
Your dad had to leave again, it would only be for four days, the ambassadors and most of the leaders were to busy to babysit you while he was gone but Barb had offered to babysit you.
You and your dad arrived at Volcano rock city, you couldn't help but cling to your dad, feeling slightly scared.
Your dad noticed and picked you up, stroking your hair gently "Hey, it's ok angel fish, your gonna have a great time with Barb, everything will be ok" he said soothingly. You calmed down a little, snuggling into his chest.
You had both arrived at Barb's castle, Trollex knocked on the door and soon enough the queen of rock herself opened it.
"Hey guys" she greeted
"Hi Barb, thanks so much for offering to take care of Y/n for me" Trollex said placing you down
"No problem" Barb said
Your dad kissed you on the forehead "I'll see you later, ok baby" he said nuzzling his nose with yours.
"Oh and Barb?" Trollex asked
"Yeah?" Barb said looking at the king of techno
Trollex glared at her so fiercely that it sent shivers down her spine "if anything bad happens to Y/n I will have you thrown to the most dangerous part of the ocean and fed to the deadly predators that lurk there! Got it?"
Barb froze with fear, shaking slightly "u-uh yeah don't worry she'll be fine"
"Good" Trollex said
After saying goodbye, your dad left and you were now alone with the Queen of rock.
"So Y/n, what do you wanna do?" She asked crouching down to your level
You thought for a minute "what can you do in volcano rock city for fun?" You asked
She grinned "Oh, a lot"
Barb explained the activities that could be done, there was a Lava diving competition, bungie jumping off of Volcanos, a thing called fight night where rock trolls wrestled each other, there were also many more activities but since you were a child she decided to choose activities that wouldn't ether kill you or seriously injure you, and god knows what Trollex would do if you got hurt in her care.
First, you both joined in a sing off competition, you and Barb vs two other rock trolls.
"Alright Y/n, here's the plan, we sing, but you can do most of the singing while I play the guitar, got it?" She asked
You nodded "Yeah, let's do this!"
You both fist bumped and the sing off began
You and Barb went first

You went first
"🎶 I can't escape this mess, so many times I've tried, but I'm still caged inside, somebody get me though this nightmare I can't control myself🎶" you sung
You and Barb then both sang "🎶so what if you can see the darkest side of me? No one would ever change this animal I have become, help me believe it's not the real me somebody help me tame this animal🎶"
You sang "🎶i can't escape myself, so many times I've lied, but there's still rage inside somebody get me through this nightmare, I can't control myself🎶"
You and Barb both sang "🎶So what if you can see the darkest side of me? No one will ever change this animal I have become and we believe it's not the real me, somebody help me tame this animal I have become and we believe it's not the real me, somebody help me tame this animal🎶"
Barb sang "🎶somebody help me though this nightmare, I can't control myself, somebody wake me from this nightmare, I can't escape this hell!🎶"
You and Barb both sang "🎶So what if you can see the darkest side of me? No one will ever change this animal I have become and we believe it's not the real me, somebody help me tame this animal I have become and we believe it's not the real me, somebody help me tame this animal, this animal I have become!🎶"
You both finished, earning a huge applause from the crowd.
You both high fived.
The other two rock trolls went next, unfortunately for them there performance wasn't as good as yours.
In the end, you and Barb won, the prize was a brand new guitar, which Barb let you have.
The next thing you both did was a beetle bike race against a few other rock trolls, you both climbed on to a beetle bike and the race began.
You both zoomed throughout the race track, already in second place.
"We're doing great Y/n, we're almost in the lead" Barb said, speeding up, you both dodged multiple objects in the wash and crossed the finish line in first place.
You and Barb both cheered at your victory, while the other rock trolls sulked at having lost.
You and Barb both got medals for your win.
You both went to a rock troll concert that was playing, and it was quite enjoyable.
Soon enough, it was time for bed, Barb had made a little makeshift bed for you out of blankets and pillows.
As she was about to leave you said "hey um, Barb. Please can you tell me a story?" You asked
Barb smiled and walked back over to you, sitting down next to your bed "sure thing kiddo, would you like to hear a story called the princess and the spikes?"
"Yes please" You said
Barb pet you on the head began to tell the story "well, there was a prince called prince spike and he was looking for a princess"
You snuggled down into the covers and listened to the story.
You no longer feared volcano Rock City anymore, or any of the rock trolls. You saw it as another home.

More chapter requests on the way👍

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