114) New Years Eve

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"Hurry up Livi! People are going to start arriving soon!" Jaxon yelled at me from downstairs, meanwhile I was still preparing myself in my bedroom.

"I'm nearly ready!" I called back, putting on my shoes. I had a brand-new dress on, that was pink and glittery, and had curled my hair, all ready for our New Years Eve party. I was so excited for everyone to come over and had been preparing all day.

"Harvey! Eli!" I exclaimed as I walked downstairs.

"Hey kiddo." Harvey smiled, inviting me into his arms. "I've missed you. Feels like I haven't seen you in ages."

"Because you haven't." I giggled.

"My turn." Eli smirked, pulling me from Harvey to get a hug of his own. "Fill us in on your trip."

People continued to arrive for the next hour, as Olli and Lachie took turns answering the door. I wasn't allowed to answer it, unfortunately. Lots of kids from school were here, that were friends of Olli, Jaxon and Lachie, as well as family friends and Hunters friends, including my dance coach Abigail, which I took a mental note to explore further later. That might explain why he'd been 'working late' so many times recently. Out of all my friends, Noah was first to arrive, which I was excited about since it gave me some time with him alone, although all my brothers, as well as Eli and Harvey, were hovering near us indiscreetly.

We played games, ate food, hung out and chatted all the way up until midnight, where we had the countdown to midnight running on the TV and on the speaker. Everyone was jittering and excited as the final countdown began.











Happy new year!

Everyone screamed, cheered and hugged as the countdown exploded. Noah turned and looked at me, smiling, then leaned in, kissing me in front of everyone. But I didn't care, I was kissing Noah. The boy I'd had a crush on since forever.

Little did I know that that kiss would lead on to so much more. Fast forward to New Year's Eve 10 years later, Noah would propose to me.

We would get married 3 months later in March, before going on to have 4 kids. Logan first, the same year as our marriage, followed by Levi a year later, then Cory 2 years later, followed by Brooklynn 3 years after Cory.

Lachie married a girl named Allanah who he met during Math Con at university but didn't go on to have any kids.

Olli married Carrie, his one and only girlfriend, and had 2 boys, Hayes and River who are the same ages as Levi and Cory.

Jaxon went on to have twins, one of each gender, and married Adelaide. The boy, Aspen, is 11 and a half minutes older than Paris, of which he constantly holds over her head. Aspen is the spitting image of Jaxon and Paris of Adelaide. The place naming was forever a source of confusion in my family.

And lastly, Hunter went on to have 2 little girls, 3 years apart. Milana first, followed then by Florence. Milana was 15 when I had Brooklynn.

Christmas was the best time of year for all of us. The house that Hunter had invested in on the coast was the perfect place. When I had my first, Logan, all 5 families chipped in to do a massive extension on the house so that we could fit all of our families and not be cramped. There was nothing the kids liked more than the Christmas summer holidays, as it was the longest amount of time that they all got to spend with each other. The Christmas I remember the most was when I announced that I was having my fourth and final child, and it was going to be a girl.

"Everyone!" I yelled. "Guys! Levi!" I said to get his attention.

All 3 of my boys looked up at me and so did everyone else. Noah was holding my hand and squeezing it for comfort.

"I have an announcement." I began, taking a long, deep breath. "I'm pregnant!"

"Mumma's having another baby?" Asked Cory, being only 3.

"Yes, Cory, Mumma's having another baby." Said Noah. Only then did I notice the death stares Jaxon, Lachie, Olli and Hunter were giving Noah. Their wives all noticed at the same time too.

"Jaxon!" Adelaide said, slapping his arm. "Congrats Livi!" She gave me a hug.

"Do you know the gender?" Asked Milana, who was 15.

"Yes." Said Noah, looking at me.

"It's a girl!" I squealed, which caused everyone to erupt a series of cheers.

Everyone came around and congratulated me and when we were opening presents later that day, Cory, whilst sitting on my lap put his hand on my tummy.

"Mumma have baby girl?" He asked.

"Yeah Cory, Mumma's going to have a baby girl." I smiled.

"And you're going to be her big brother." Noah added, grinning like a fool.

"I be dood big brudder." He nodded.

"Like me!" Said Jaxon, coming over and side hugging me.

"Are you sure about that?" I scoffed.

"I be like Uncle Jax!" Cory squealed, running off to go find Levi or Logan.

"See, he approves." Jaxon smirked. That smirk never changed.

"Dad!" Paris yelled.

"What is it?" He turned his attention to her.

"Aspen is being a pain." She said. They're 13.

"Also, Auntie Livi, does this mean I can babysit her?"

"Yeah, of course hun." I smiled.

"Paris, what is he doing?"

"He keeps being annoying." She rolled her eyes.

"Come here." I said, waving her over and whispering in her ear. "Just like your dad. He was so annoying when we were younger." This caused her to giggle and look at Jaxon, as if she was checking him out.

"What?" He asked, suspicious.

"See ya!" She yelled, running off.

"What'd you tell her?" Jaxon glared, but I only smirked. Well, at least tried to.

Life after Noah and our kids was perfect. I had everything I could want and need and a great job working as a speech therapist for kids with Autism at a local special school. Noah went on to be a mechanical engineer and work at the airport with the planes. Logan, Levi and Cory loved going to watch the planes. 

One chapter to go... xx 

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