20) Reunited

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*Back to Darren's POV

I just left my hotel to collect Willow. I am so excited, it's crazy. I finally get to have my daughter back after 5 years. That's 60 months. 1,200 days (roughly). Way too long.

The orphanage was only about a 15-minute drive from where I was staying, and thank goodness, because I couldn't have sat much longer.

When I arrived, I met at the front. Alison, from the police station, informed me she was taking care of Willow most of the time, so she would help me.

'Hi, I'm Darren,' I said, sticking my hand out for her to shake. She took it politely and introduced herself.

'Hi Darren, I'm Melissa. I believe Alison has informed you about me?'

'Yes she has,' I replied nodding.

'Well, that's great! Willow is very excited to see you, which we will do in a second. But first, I must warn you her interaction skills are very limited. She can understand you, but her communicating back isn't always incredible since she was generally silenced in her home as you would know.'

'Hm, I understand perfectly. She was usually the chattiest of kids, so it must have been pretty hard for her.' I said to Melissa, resulting in her nodding.

'Let's go see her shall we!' Melissa said cheerfully, clearly trying to lighten the mood that had come over me.

'Yes please!' I said, grasping my hands together, just as excited as a 4-year-old on Christmas morning. Finally I have my daughter back!

We walked through a few corridors, then out into a more open room with windows. There were toys scattered everywhere, and multiple children playing with them. All playing with trains, dolls and dress-ups. It looked just like a kinder.

I scanned my eyes around the room, searching for that beach blonde hair I knew my daughter had. Finally, my eyes spotted her in the back corner, next to the window playing with the dolls with another little girl.

'Willow, someone's here to see you!' Said Melissa cheerily. Willow looked up quickly, and her blank face filled with emotion. I was almost in tears.

'Daddy.' She said, running over to me and leaping into my arms. She remembered me.

'Willow.' I said back. Right on the verge of tears now. At last, I had my baby girl back in my arms.

'I missed you so much!' she exclaimed pulling back to look me in the eyes. She was so small for a ten-year-old. Short and frail, very unlike Jayden. She had a huge smile on her face, but her eyes were watery and slowly spilling over to her cheeks.

'I missed you too baby.' I said, squeezing her, making her giggle.

'Sorry to break up this beautiful moment, but Willow, should you go and take your Dad to get your stuff, then he can sign some forms and then you can go home.' Suggested Melissa, making us turn our attention to her.

'Yes.' Said Willow, with a decisive nod of her head.

'Let's go then,' I said, plopping her back on the ground. She grabbed my hand and led me the way. After she had collected all her belongings, which might I add weren't very many. Willow then said goodbye to a few people, so we went to sign the last of the forms.

I signed the last few forms and eventually we were allowed to leave. I thanked Melissa for all her help and for taking care of Willow, then we went outside to the car. I opened the door for Willow and she peered in and looked at me with confusion.

'No car-seat?' She asked.

'Willow, you're too big for a car seat. You just sit on this, the booster seat.' I replied gently, pulling the booster seat from the boot. I had picked up a few things the previous day that I knew I'd need.

'Oh. Okay.' She replied cheerily and hopping in. 'Uh daddy?'

'Yeah sweetie?'

'How do you put this on?' She asked, motioning to the seatbelt. I let out a slight chuckle and showed her.

It was only about 11:30, so I asked her if she wanted to go out for lunch. She seemed extremely keen, so I drove over to the shopping centre which was only about 5 minutes from the orphanage. Once we got to the food court I asked her where she wanted to eat.

'Uh I don't know. I didn't have very many foods when I was with Catalina and Garratt.' She said, looking ashamed and finding her feet very interesting.

'Hey,' I said, pushing her chin up to look at me and squatting down to her height. 'It's okay. I'll take you to a place I think you'll like.' I smiled at her, which she gladly returned.

I took her over to the ice cream store and got her a chocolate cone. That was always her favourite when she was little, but she clearly doesn't remember. I also got myself the same.

'YUMMY!!' She exclaimed with wide eyes when she took her first bite, which made me laugh.

'I knew you'd like it.' I said to her.

'I remember this taste.' She said which I smiled at. This girl was gorgeous, but there was one more thing on her mind. I could see it in her eyes, questions flying through her head at the speed of light. 'Daddy?' she asked in her sweet voice.

'Yes?' I turned my full attention to her.

'I remember j-Jayden? Who is that?' She stuttered, making my heart leap and a huge grin form on her face. I kind of forgot about their relationship. Willow was Jayden's life, and everything changed when she was gone. Oops, great father I am.

'Yes Willow, Jayden is right. He's your big brother. I don't think you have any idea how much he misses you. And you know what's even better?'

'What??' She had curiosity burning straight through her.

'He doesn't know I'm with you. You see, we didn't even know you were alive when Catalina left with you, so he didn't know I was coming to see you.'


'Yes, really! It's going to be a big surprise for him you know, and he is in Melbourne with your cousins.'

'Where's Melbourne? And what are cousins?' she said, very confused.

'oh right! Cousins are other family members, but they don't usually live with you, the have different parents. My brother was their dad. And Melbourne is a place, not too far from here. Does that make sense?'

'Yeah, kind of. What are their names?' she asked. God, I missed her so much.

'Well there are 5 of them. 4 older boys and the youngest is the only girl. Livi is the girl, then Lachie and Olli. Then there's Jaxon, who is the exact same age as Jayden.'

'hehe, that's funny! They both start with a 'j'!' she cut me off before I could finish.

'It is, isn't it! And there's also Hunter, who is the oldest and in charge of them because their parents died in an accident.'

'Oh. Poor them. When can I meet them?'

'How about tomorrow?' I suggested to her.

'YES, YES, YES!!' She squealed, gaining approving smiles from some people nearby.

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