32) Secret's Out

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The next few weeks passed without much happening. I was able to keep my external activity choices to myself, except they did know about Netball. I didn't care about that though, it was a sport I've done for a long time. They all came to one of my games, since they were all at the same footy level, they were all on the same team and had a bye that week.

I was really excited for today though, because I had my dance session, and we were continuing on our acro dance our coach announced we would be starting this week. She had showed a video of the dance being performed and it looked really fun and challenging, which was super exciting. I had been focussed on hip hop and jazz at my dance studio, and acro was one of my favourites so I was glad we were doing it here.

"Okay everyone, like I said last week, today we will be starting our acro dance." Announced coach Abigail. "I have my friend Isaiah here to help us as well. He was part of the Australian Ballet but specialised in acro. He will be here for technique, spotting and general teaching of the choreography. The dance has lots of solo's; enough for half of you to have one, so he will be watching closely to choose them." She finished off. "Please give him a warm welcome."

Everyone clapped for Isaiah and he gave a courteous bow. Then there was a knock on the door.

Coach Abigail went over and opened the door, and there stood the one and only brother of mine called Jaxon. He hadn't seen me yet though. Maybe he wouldn't.

"Hi Jaxon. What are you doing here?" Asked coach Abigail.

"Hi, uh, Mr Beck asked if I could get the stepping blocks," he said, scanning his eyes over the room. He spotted me, and his polite smile turned into a smirk.

"Sure, go ahead." Coach Abigail said, letting him into the room. He strode over to them and picked them up easily. He winked at me on his way out, only making my glare stronger. This was going to be interesting.

I spent the rest of dance class learning the first part of the choreography. (A/N Dance they're learning up top^^). It was a really strong dance, with sharp movements and lots of people. Isaiah turned out to be amazing, and I was completely mesmerised by his ability to perform tricks.

After dance, which I used all my focus on, I spent my other 2 classes worrying about what was going to happen with Jaxon. Knowing him, there was no chance he was going to let it go and be nice, he would have to make it some big deal, no matter what I did.

When the day ended, I rushed to shove everything in my bag and get to Jaxon. Luckily, he was at the car early, since he had a free period last today. Bonus of being in year 12.

Once he saw me approaching, he got a huge grin on his face.

"Well, dancer, now are we?" He said.

"Please don' tell the other 2! Please, please, please Jaxon!" I begged, using my puppy dog eyes.

"Stop with the eyes. They don't work on me." He said rudely, making me stop. "What's in it for me?"


"What do you want?"

"How about...you do my chores for 3 months." He smirked.

"3 months!! Are you kidding me Jaxon?" I yelled.

"Or I'll tell the others about your dancing. Your choice. And here they come."

I quickly weighed it up in my head then made up my mind. Neither option was good.

"Fine. Deal." I hurried out, jumping into the car and slamming the door behind me. 2 minutes later both Olli and Lachie got into the car followed by Jaxon, who had been talking to Dylan.

"So how was everyone's day?" Asked Jaxon.

"Fine." Lachie said.

"Good." Said Olli. I stayed quiet, focussing on the passing houses out the window.

"Livi? How was your day?" Jaxon asked, purposely trying to get attention on me.

"It was fine, thank you so very much for inquiring into how enjoyable my daily activities were." I said sarcastically, making all the boys roll their eyes. At least they shut up after that.

They pretty much chatted about footy the rest of the drive, and when we got home there was a surprise.

"Harveyyyyyy!" I screamed, running into his arms.

"Hey Kiddo!" He said, picking me up and spinning me around.

"Yeah, don't worry about me, Harvey's the only important one here." Eli teased, fake scoffing. I giggled, jumped down from Harvey and went over to Eli.

"Well, he kind of is more important than you." I said slowly, batting my eyelids at him.

"That's it!" He took a step closer to me, grabbed my waist and hoisted me up onto his shoulder. He then walked into the lounge room, slamming me onto the couch with an evil grin, then started tickling the life out of me. Curse everyone for knowing how ticklish I am.

"STOP! ELI! STOP!!!" I screeched through my laughter.

After a good few minutes he finally stopped, right when Hunter walked in, the rest trailing behind.

Harvey came over to me, swooping me up into his arms, then sitting with me in his lap on the couch.

I curled up into him, but then the thought struck through my head. I lifted up from Harvey's chest and looked around the room.

"Um. Why are you here anyway?" I said, turning my head to face Harvey.

"I called them. I need to talk to you. All of you." Hunter interjected before Harvey could respond. Everyone turned their attention to Hunt, eager to know what was so important for this meeting. Instead of Hunter speaking to us, he just sat there, then dropped his head into his hands, sighing.

"WHAT!? What is it Hunter!" I exclaimed, bouncing up on the spot with curiosity. He looked up at me.

"I have to go on a trip. A work trip. And it's for a week."

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