7) Hot Revenge

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A tradition that my Dad started before I was even born in my family was 'named days'. This meant every day of the week had something special in it, so that our lives were never boring. After my parents passed away, Hunt continued this tradition because I had only enjoyed it for a few years. Currently we have Movie Monday's, Taco Tuesday, Water Wednesdays, Thai Thursday's, Freedom Friday's, Sausage Saturday's and Super Sunday's. Most of them were self explanatory, but just in case, I'll explain it again. Every Monday we watch a movie all together as a family, and have dinner in front of the T.V. Tuesday's we eat tacos for dinner. Wednesday's we go swimming in our pool if the weather is nice. Thursday's we have Thai take-away for dinner, since it's my favourite (and Olli's). Freedom Friday's are our night to hang out with friends and go to some parties if we're allowed. Sausage Saturday's we have a BBQ for dinner, and super Sunday's happen randomly, where we go out and do something fun.

Today was taco Tuesday, and as a bit of payback for forgetting me today, I though i'd 'spice' things up a bit. All of the boys really like salsa, but none of them can handle spice. Big babies they are. I do not like salsa at all, which makes it easier for me to not look suspicious.
When Hunter was preparing for dinner, I offered to set the table, which was something I do regularly anyway. When I moved a few toppings over from the kitchen to the dining room, i switched the salsa jars. Instead of the mild one we usually use, I switched if for 'extra hot'. This was going to be hilarious.

One extra detail I added was the camera. I put my phone in a discreet spot that had a good view of the table and started filming. Now I would have the memory forever.

Hunt asked me to go and get all the boys so I went upstairs to get them. Lachie first, because I knew he wouldn't be doing anything important. When I walked into his room he was reading, with his back to me. Just like any normal person, I had to take the opportunity.
'BOO!' I yelled as I pounced onto his back.
'Argh!!!!! Crap Livi!' He screamed whilst I burst out laughing. 'You think this is funny? Oh I'll give you funny. You deserve this.' Way too quickly I'm screaming at Lachie to stop and laughing so much my throat hurts from his tickling. 'Now, why'd you come in here?' He said once he finally stopped.
'Oh right! Dinners ready.' I said as I skipped out of his room and down the corridor to Olli's room. Once again, I didn't knock and barged straight on in, only to find him shirtless with a towel around his waist.

'Ahhh my eyes!' I screamed, covering them with my hands.
'Shut up baby. You know that every girl is attracted to these abs.' Oh god, why is he's so full of himself!?
'Eww. Anyway, dinners ready, so put some clothes on.' I turned around, and attempted to leave, keeping my hands over my eyes. The key word in that sentence is attempted. I failed. I walked straight into the door. Thank the lord nobody saw me since Olli had gone back into his bathroom. Next was the hardest of them all. Jax.

I walk into his room and he's sitting at his desk on FaceTime. I couldn't see from where I was who we was talking to but oh well. I creeped up behind him and decided to take a different approach than I did with Lachie. I put my left hand into a peace sign and put it behind his head.
'Uh, Jaxon? Did you just grow rabbit ears?' Said the mystery person behind the screen.
'What are you talking about?' Said Jaxon, confused. I couldn't take it any longer. I started laughing and rolling around on the floor. Jax just sat there, staring at me as if I was a lunatic. I think I am actually. Once I collected myself, I stood up and plucked his phone right from his hands.
'Hello, screen person.' I said to the mysterious facetime person. Uh oh.
'Hey tiny, how are ya?'
'Oh gross, it's you. Jax can you get some better friends?' I joked, turning back to Jaxon.
'Oi! Rude much. Now give me back to Jaxon tiny.' He ordered me. No way was a listening to him. Also, I am not tiny.
'No can do mate.' And with that I was gone. I took off out of Jaxon's room and bolted down the stairs all the way to the dining room. This evening was getting better for me. About 10 seconds later, Jaxon arrives, and demanded his phone back. I gave it to him, not being bothered to start a fight because I was too excited for the reaction soon to come.

Everyone started building their tacos and let me say, they are amazing. One by one, each of the boys started panting and sweating. They had all put their tacos down and weren't eating.
'What's up guys? Why'd you stop eating?' I asked, trying to act genuinely confused.
'It's a bit...spicy.' Hunter explained whilst trying to fan his mouth.
'I can't do it!' Lachie stood up and ran into the kitchen, where I could hear him running the water. Not long after him the 3 other boys followed with similar reactions. I was only just able to contain my laughter when they all came back, red-faced and sweaty. That was it for me. I burst out laughing, and almost fell off my chair!
'What's so funny Livi!' Exclaimed Jax.
'That-isn't-mild-salsa! I-switched-it!' I breathed out between laughs. 'Payback for leaving me.' I said to them, but they were all dumb struck. They don't even know I caught it all on camera, ready for the whole world to see at the click of a finger.

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