105) The Airport

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"Has everyone got everything?" Hunter asked, finally sitting in his seat.

"Yes." We all chorused, mentally going through our checklists.

"Let's get this show on the road." I laid my head on the window as we left the house and started driving to the airport. The sun had just set and the only thing keeping me awake was the bright streetlights and car lights.

"Not sleepy, are you?" Jaxon asked, seeing me yawn.

"No." I mumbled. He smirked but didn't say anything more.

I listened to music and enjoyed the gentle murmur of the car engine as it drove along the gravel road.

Soon enough, the first sign directing us to the short-term parking bay appeared and we turned off the main road. The smell of planes started to fill the air, even through the car. I both liked and disliked the feeling I got when I was at the airport. A mix of worry and excitement.

Hunter found us a car park and Jaxon went to get a trolley. We each had our own bag this time. It was the first time I'd travelled and been old enough to have enough things to fill an entire suitcase and not share with one of the boys.

We loaded the suitcases onto two trolleys since one wasn't enough and carried our backpacks. I stayed close to Jaxon as we walked, avoiding all the other people who were both coming in and out of the airport.

First step was to check in for our flight and check in our baggage so that it went under the plane.

The airport looked nothing like I remembered it and much more had become electronic. Instead of having to wait in a long line for someone at the register to check you and your bags in, you could do it yourself with special machines. Hunter told Olli, Lachie and I to go look at the store nearby whilst he and Jaxon checked us in. We didn't want to stress him out, so even though its kind of stressed me out, leaving him when it was so busy, I followed Olli and Lachie to the store.

"Look!" I smiled, pointing to the huge tub of beanie boos.

"Livi, you say you're not a baby but still get excited and make us look at soft toys." Olli smirked.

"Just because I like toys doesn't mean I'm a baby. Look how cute they are! And they're sparkly!" I exclaimed. "Can I get one?"

"No." Olli scoffed.

"I have money. I'm going to get one."

"You're meant to save that money to spend in Bali!"

"This is part of our trip! Can't I get one now?"

"You shouldn't waste your money on one of them now Livi." Lachie said. "You will want to buy lots of things once we're there."

Now I was torn and didn't know what to do. Instead of making a decision, I just huffed and walked away. I could hear Olli chuckling to himself behind me, but I didn't care.

I looked at a few of the books then panicked because I couldn't see Olli or Lachie anymore. Turns out they were just at the cash register paying for a magazine each. Olli had bought one on cars and Lachie bought one about NASA.

"You getting anything?" Olli asked.

"No." I grumbled, walking out of the store with them.

We went back to where Hunter and Jaxon were, thankfully as they were just finishing. We were able to put the trolleys away and head through pass the gate, to security. I didn't like security as I was always worried something was going to beep. I quickly took off my bracelet and ring and put them safely in my bag before zipping it back up and putting it on the conveyor belt. I just copied what Hunter did most of the time, which worked.

We had to walk through the metal detector thing which thankfully was fine, then collected our bags and continued. This was boring and exciting at the same time. We were finally going to Bali!

Customs had also changed to mainly electronics, so we our passports were sucked into a special machine, scanned, then spat back out. Next, a camera verified if we looked like our picture, and if it wasn't sure, a person at a desk nearby could verify the picture by eye. It was impressive and kind of scary at the same time. There was so much our technology could do now.

Finally, we didn't have to do anything more. We walked through to find a seat where we could eat dinner.

"Where's McDonalds?" I asked Hunter.

"It should be just here." He said, as we turned the corner. The store was boarded up with signs saying, 'reopening soon, improvements and maintenance in progress'.

"Ugh." I sighed and huffed, wanting to collapse on the floor. I was tired and hungry since we'd eaten lunch slightly later, so I didn't have anything during the afternoon, but we also had usually eaten dinner ages ago by now. Even though it was Christmas and I'd eaten heaps of junk food I was still hungry and was excited at the thought of McDonalds.

"Chill Livi. There are other places to eat." Jaxon put his arm around me. "Don't be grumpy!" He laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

There were other stores around like Oporto's and Oliver's, but I'd never eaten there before and didn't feel like trying something new.

"Why don't we go see if there's another restaurant nearby? There are plenty here." Hunter suggested. We followed him around until we finally found a normal looking restaurant. I ordered chips and chicken tenders. They weren't the same as McDonalds but did their purpose of filling my tummy. All the boys got a burger of some kind with chips of on the side.

After we'd eaten, we went and found our gate. I watched out the huge glass windows to see the planes driving around, taking off and landing. The lights and the loud grumble of the plane engine filled me with excited.

"Flight JK 36 from Melbourne to Denpasar is now boarding at gate 11. Flight JK 36 from Melbourne to Denpasar is now boarding at gate 11." The lady over the intercom spoke. People with children and elderly were offered to board first, so we were able to get on without a fuss.

"Lachie and Olli, you sit together in the middle row, Jaxon you get window and Livi, you go between Jaxon and I." Hunter instructed as we got on the plane. 

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