72) We Know

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"I'm fine." I said, rolling over to not face him. I didn't feel like talking right now.

He sighed and got up, leaving the room. I understood why he was being so harsh on me. I broke so many rules, even if they were unwritten ones. But that didn't mean I wasn't upset about it.

I was unhappy so I quickly changed into my fluffy pink bunny pyjamas and crawled into bed, ignoring the fact it wasn't even 5pm yet.

I tossed and turned, trying to get all the events of today to hit pause on replay and let me sleep, but it didn't work. Right when I was considering getting out of bed to go downstairs and get my book, but then my door opened, letting in a stream of light.

"Why the hell are the lights out?" Jaxon groaned, flicking them on and making me squint. I wasn't facing away from him, so I got a slight shock when he bounced down on my bed, making me boing up and down. "So, what's up?" Jaxon asked, but I didn't reply. "Babyyyy."

"Go away." I mumbled.

"I didn't do anything you know." He said in a smart voice.

I stayed silent whilst he sighed. There had been a lot of sighing today.

"I heard what happened." Jaxon said, suddenly solemn.

"Seems everyone has." I grumbled.

"I don't blame you. I probably would have punched him in the gut but leaving was a pretty good solution. Except, maybe don't leave quite so far away. I'm sure he wouldn't have found you there."

"They." I corrected, a small smile resting on my face.

"C'mere." He chuckled, hopping under the covers and pulling me close.

"I'm sorry." I whispered as he played with my hair.

"We know." He kissed my head and I slowly felt my eyes begin to close.

"I love you Jax."

"Love you too baby." He replied, as I drifted off to sleep.

"Get up!" Said Hunter, pulling back the covers and opening the blinds.

"What?" I grumbled, sitting up and trying to recover from my sudden disorientation.

"You've got school. Get up." He said, going into the bathroom and turning on the shower. I couldn't believe he was doing this. I checked the time on my alarm clock since I no longer had my phone and saw that it was 6am! What is this? Boot camp or something?

"Hunter, I don't want to go to school." I whispered once I remembered why he must be acting like this. Jaxon must have left at some point last night.

"Unfortunately, it's the law. Get up." He said seriously. He clearly hadn't forgiven me yet, and I needed to try.

I slowly got up and had a shower. This morning I could take as much time as I liked since I had nearly 2 full hours before I had to leave for school.

After my shower I put on my uniform and went to get breakfast. I was surprisingly not that hungry even though I hadn't eaten any food since recess yesterday, but I grabbed an apple anyway. I packed my own lunch since Hunter hadn't done it and quickly made sure I had all my homework. I realised that I hadn't done the maths sheet that was due today, so I quickly did that before Hunter saw me and put it in my bag. Turns out that took a bit longer than I thought, so right as I zipped my bag up, the boys came tumbling down the stairs.

My heart sank when only Jaxon even acknowledged I was there, the other 2 just walking straight past me into the pantry. I went around the corner and down the hall and went into the library room, locking the door behind me. Not only would I have to face people today, my brothers wouldn't even look at me. I ran my hand along the spine of mum and dad's old books, tears steadily flowing down my cheeks.

"I miss you." I whispered quietly. There was nobody I wished more for than the secure arms of my mum and dad.

"Are you okay?" Exclaimed Noah, after he found me at my locker.

"I'm fine." I gave him a tight-lipped smile before continuing to unpack my bag.

"What happened?" He asked seriously. "Livi?"

"Nothing Noah."

"Liar. What happened?" He pressed.

"Jono happened, okay?" I whispered.

"I'm going to kill that jerk." He muttered, clenching his fists and standing tall.

"Leave him. Me hating him is enough." I said and his face softened.

"Sorry. I just really hate him, that's all." He said, giving me a hug.

"Thanks." I said to him, giving a small but genuine smile. He knew what it meant.

Mila, Theo and Lexi were the next ones to interrogate me, and I gave them the full description before Noah and Hugh arrived.

"I heard all about it. Poor Olivia." Hugh smiled, giving me a hug.

"My name is not Olivia." I growled, trying to hide a smile.

"You guys would make such a cute couple." Teased Noah.

"I know," Hugh sighed. "if only she was a 'he'."

We all burst out laughing at his joke, and I felt a bit of weight lift off my shoulders. I was happy when I heard my phone start ringing in my pocket. It said No Caller ID, but I answered it anyway.


"Where does he hang out?" Asked Lachie.


"Where does the idiot hang out?"

"Why don't you have your caller ID on?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"So you'd answer. Now answer my question." He said, getting agitated.

"Either the canteen or the oval." I mumbled.

"k." He replied, hanging up. I sighed into the phone before putting it back in my pocket and returning to my spot on the table we were sitting at.

"Everything all good?" Whispered Noah.


The day finished without much drama. I didn't run into Jono all day, and even though I saw Gus and Carter, they didn't notice me. I was happy when I got to head home, except for when Jaxon sprang it on me that I had to sit at the kitchen bench whilst I did my homework, and then give my phone and laptop to him. I sighed at that but complied anyway.



Uh oh. xx

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