14) Passed

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Remember how Jaxon was meant to take his drivers test the other week? Well, the assessor who was meant to be taking Jaxon was sick on the day, so Jaxon had to reschedule his slot. Unfortunately for him, all the booking times were booked out for the next month, so here we are a month later, and Jaxon is just about to take his test. I did kind of feel bad for him, because he seemed really disappointed, but at least this time it wasn't my fault. I really hope Jaxon passes this test. He's more fun than Hunter, so if he can drive, he can take me to get ice-cream every day! And we can go ice-skating too! Hooray!

Sometimes I wonder what driving his like. I mean, isn't it kind of scary being in control of such a big machine, with so many other big machines around you. Other times I can't wait to drive. To just sit behind the wheel and be able to go to any place I like. Well nearly any place I like. They haven't invented a car that can drive through water yet; that only exits in Despicable Me. I also hope Jaxon gets a nice driving assessor too. I always see those TV shows on Netflix, where the person blinks and they get failed. I neeeed Jaxon to pass this test, otherwise I'll be stuck without ice-cream even longer. I've already waited 13 years, how much more can a girl wait people!?

*Skip to after the test

I was waiting outside the Driver's License Assessing building, trying to get Olli to let me have a turn of his new phone when I saw our BMW drive up and park! Jaxon and the assessor, who I came to find his name is Dave, get out of the car and walk towards us. I sprung up out of my seat and ran to Jaxon.

'How'd do you? Did you pass?' I bombarded him.

'Woah calm it Livi. I don't know yet.' He smiled, pretending to stay calm, even though I could tell he was just as excited as I was. The 3 other boys came over to where we were standing, with Dave double checking his notes he wrote on his official clipboard.

'I am pleased to inform you that Jaxon here, did an outstanding job on his test.' You could see the excitement building and building in his face, 'So you have passed!' Dave announced, his serious face spreading into a smile. Huh, who knew he could actually smile. I squealed and started jumping up and down, dancing like crazy.

'Thankyou so much!' Jaxon said politely, trying his best to remain civil.

'Now Hunter and Jaxon, if you could come and we'll get some of the last paperwork done, you can head off.' They went inside and finished all the boring adult stuff, then we left. As soon as we were in the safety of our car, Jaxon showed his excitement.

'YES!! Finally, I can drive!' He announced proudly.

'You better not break any rules or get any fines mister,' said hunter to him. Why does he always have to be so serious, I thought to myself, mentally rolling my eyes.

We got home and decided that Hunter and Jaxon would go and get his photo taken for the license, whilst the rest of us stayed home. I wasn't too keen on the idea, since it was going to be boring, but I soon thought of something fun to do.

'Hey Olli, want to do something with me?' I said, plopping myself down on the couch next to him.

'Uh, depends. What would we be doing?'

'Let's make cookies!! Then we can use them as part of ice-cream sundaes!'

'Why not? You only live once.'

'YOLO!' I shouted, he stopped and looked at me.

'Don't try and be cool. You're not cool. At all.' Then he walked off to make sure we had all the ingredients. 'What type of cookies do you want Livi?' he shouted from the kitchen. I couldn't be bothered to strain my voice, so I got up and went to him. 'We can make shortbread, choc chip or rainbow M&M. Which takes your fancy?' he said to me whilst laying out all the ingredients on the bench.

'Um, shortbread. That way we can cut them into pretty shapes and decorate them with icing later!' I said, getting more excited.

'Shortbread it is then.'

We made the cookies, me double checking every step to make sure we had done it right and finally they were ready. We had used lots and lots of different cookie cutters like Suns, Stars, Circles, Men, Bells, Flowers and Hearts. Hunter and Jaxon were still not home, and Lachie was upstairs reading, so we decided to decorate them ourselves. I did lots of different ones for each of the boys with their names on them, doing it in pretty writing with the icing pens. I had done about 6 but I needed to go to the bathroom.

'I'm going to the toilet Olli. Don't eat any whilst I'm gone,' I instructed him.

By the time I had gotten back, he had done about 5 more biscuits, and made some really cool suns. Because Olli was so good at art, he was really good and using the icing pens to decorate them.

'Here Livi, I made this one for you.' He said, passing me a sun that had black sunglasses on it. It was so neat!

'Thanks Olli!' I said kissing him on the cheek. After all the cookie had been decorated, I gave him mine, and we both went into the Dining room to eat it. Right when I lifted mine up to take the first bite, it was plucked straight out of my hands.

'Don't mind if I do,' said someone who sounded like Jaxon. JAXON!!! He shoved the entire cookie into his mouth but spat it back out immediately. 'OH MY GOD LIVI! Why would you try and poison me?' he screeched out.

'What do you mean! I was going to eat that!' I yelled back, very confused. Neither of us had noticed that Olli was currently rolling all over the floor, laughing uncontrollably.

'I-I put s-salt in it!' Olli attempted to say in between laughs. He must have done it when I was in the bathroom, meaning that prank was for me! That was when all hell broke out in the Miller household.

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