24) Pancakes

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Half way through Uncle Darren's 'explanation', Jaxon told me I could braid his hair and I instantly sprung into action. I did 2 Dutch braids whilst intently listening to Uncle Darren. Poor Willow. But at least I understand why she needs help for lots of things like the bathroom, getting changed and cars. I feel really sorry for her, but I'm going to try and help her as best as I can. Her life will become more and more normal over time, I just know it.

When uncle Darren finished his talking, it was 9:30, and I was back cuddled up to Jaxon. I was slowly dosing off, when Jaxon stood up, with me in his arms. I heard people saying goodnight, then felt myself being carried upstairs. All of our bedrooms were upstairs, and the guest and all other rooms were downstairs. When I saw him pass his room, continuing down to my room I quietly cried out.

'Noooo.' Jaxon immediately stopped and asked,

'What Livi?' His voice had a tiny bit of concern laced into it, and I instantly felt kind of bad.

'Your room.' I said quietly, just loud enough for him to hear. He sighed and chuckled lightly which made his chest vibrate. For once, he actually listened to me and took me with him to his room. The good thing was that since our parents had a fair amount of money, we all had pretty big beds, definitely enough for two people to sleep in, even if one is a giant like Jaxon or Hunter.

Jax opened the door and walked in. He set me gently down onto the bed and went into his closet. As sleepy as I was, I wasn't quite there yet. He came back out with one of his t-shirts that he knew I loved, and a pair of my trackies. I must have left them there from last time. Jaxon chucked me the clothes then went back into his wardrobe, giving me the privacy to change. Once I was done, I jumped under the covers and lay down, covering even my head with the sheets. I heard Jaxon's footsteps near the bed then stop, and my breathing hitched. Suddenly the sheets were ribbed back, and I saw Jaxon standing there.

'There you are! I wondered where you went.' He rolled his eyes, then crawled over the top of me to lay on his side. We simultaneously lifted the covers up and I tucked into him. He wasn't wearing a shirt, just trackies and socks. I have no idea how he can sleep in socks though.

Once I relaxed, the questions started churning out. I have an 'overactive mind', as my mum called it, so I think about things a lot. When I'm tired and sleepy, and with someone, ill blurt out whatever question I have at the time. I'll get a response, think about it, then come up with a completely different question. Some are really embarrassing, but I don't feel embarrassment at the time, only when I wake up and it all comes flooding back to me. Crazy, I know.

'Jaxon.' I said sweetly and quietly, then heard him chuckle.

'Yes baby?'

'Why do you call me baby?'

'Because you are a baby.'

'But, how can I be a baby if I'm 13?'

'Because you're the littlest, and the littlest is always the baby, no matter how old they are.' He said, chuckling as he went, which I didn't really understand why at the time.

'Oh. Okay.' I said.

'Do you like being called baby?' Jaxon asked. The other thing; I'll answer properly too, which also is embarrassing.

'Sometimes. When you're being nice. Not when you're being mean.' I sighed. 'Jaxon why are you mean?'

'Do you really think I'm mean?' He asked, propping up onto his elbows and looking at me with a frown on his face.

'Yeah.' I said, making his frown deepen.


'You hurt me and tease me and make fun of me and embarrass me. I don't like that.' I explained to him, my turn to frown. He sighed and lay back down, pulling me back close into him.

'I'm sorry baby. I don't try to be mean, but I know I go a bit far sometimes. I really am sorry. Forgive me?' He said genuinely, sighing at different intervals.

'Okay.' I said, snuggling further into him. He brushed my messy hair out of my face and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek. Now that, was a rare sight.

'Love you Liv.' He said, tucking into the covers. 'I think you should go to sleep now baby.'

'Yeah, sleep is good and healthy. I don't want to end up fat like you.' I said. To be honest, I have no idea why I said that. Jaxon had absolutely no fat on him whatsoever, he was pure muscle, as much as it pained me to admit it.

'Oi, don't be rude.' He growled. 'Go to sleep Livi. Now.' He said firmly. Slowly, I drifted off to sleep.


The next morning I peeled away from Jaxon before he woke up. NO way was I facing the embarrassment of being with him and talking about myself in front of him now. Although I did hope he wouldn't mention it because he apologised, which would be just as embarrassing for him too. He NEVER EVER apologised for anything, unless he really had to.

When I went downstairs, no one was up yet, so I thought I would be a great sister and cousin and make pancakes. We had the machine, so I only had to make the mixture which was easy since I love cooking and baking. I had just finished finding all the ingredients when Willow appeared.

'Hi Livi!' She said to me cheerfully.

'Hey Willow!' I said back, just as enthusiastic. She scanned the kitchen bench then asked what I was doing. I told her I was making pancakes, but she didn't know what they were, so I asked if she wanted to help make them. She accepted in a heartbeat and turned out to be very good at baking. I would be sure to make sure I got her help every time she was here, and not in silly Adelaide.

We made a huge stack, then decided to go wake up everyone else. We woke Jayden followed by Uncle Darren then the rest of my brothers, with Jaxon last of course. They all came down and immediately scoffed the entire stack of pancakes. I especially kept a few aside for Willow and me, knowing that they would be pigs like usual. Willow turned out to love them, and asked Uncle Darren if she could have these for breakfast every day, but he said that they were a treat, and she could only have them sometimes. She seemed upset at first, but soon got distracted and her happy self came back.



Sorry for the boring chapter. I have some slightly better ones coming up soon too. xx

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