55) Stressed

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We got home, and I went straight upstairs to my room. I threw my bag onto the floor and collapsed onto my bed, feeling the sensation of all my muscles relaxing. School's so busy at the moment.

After laying there for a minute, I realised I really needed to start on homework if I wanted to submit them on time, which of course I had no choice.

I started with my Indonesian assessment. I revised all the vocab lists from this semester and wrote a practice paragraph so that I have a rough idea of what I want to write when we do the writing section of the assessment. The way this summative works is that there are 2 parts, each worth 50%. We have to have a conversation about our family and holidays with our teacher, and we have to write about it too. We aren't allowed notes in either of them, which is even more stressful because I can't lose my streak. I haven't dropped an A+ in Indonesian yet and I don't plan to anytime soon either. It's one thing I can definitely brag about to Jaxon.

After I did that, I finished off a few other research tasks which I had to do, then I was called for dinner.

"Livi! Dinner's ready!" I heard Lachie call from down the hall. I grumbled and slowly went downstairs to see stir fry served up for everyone. I sat down and focussed on my food, wanting to get back up to my room so that I could finish the homework and keep studying.

"Livi!" I head someone shout my name I snapped my head up.

"What?" I asked, a little confused.

"You good? You look tired." Said Hunter, scanning my face.

"I'm fine." I said, going back to my food.

"I asked a question." Jaxon says.

"And?" I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Do you have the Indonesian writing assessment tomorrow?"

"Yes." I said.

"Are you ready?"

"No." I replied.

"I thought you were meant to be miss goody-2-shoes-I-get-A+'s." He mocked in a high-pitched voice.

"I have too much going on, okay?" I snapped at him. I'd had enough, so I grabbed my bowl, stood up and stormed upstairs, completely ignoring Hunter's voice yelling at me to come back.

Once I was safely locked inside my room, I began trying to work again, but my head just wasn't in it. My eyes kept drooping and I couldn't focus. Plus, I kept yawning which was surprisingly distracting.

After about an hour of me trying to get work done, Hunter knocked on the door. Actually, more like slammed his fist on the door.

"Livi. I need to talk to you." Hunter said in his serious I'm-in-charge voice.

"Talk then." I sighed, staying at my desk.

"Stop being sassy. Open the door."

When I didn't even move, I heard his loud footsteps disappear down the hallway. I was then dumb enough to think that I'd gotten rid of him, only when I heard his feet reapproaching my door did I realise how dumb I was. Hunter has the key to my room. Of course.

"What's all this about?" He asked, resuming his tough stance with his arms crossed over his chest and all emotion drained from his face.

"Nothing. I'm tired, you said it yourself." I shrugged, spinning back around in my chair and picking up my pen.

"No excuse." He replied, snatching my pen before it could even touch the paper. "Move." He pointed to my bed. I sighed and stood up, collapsing onto the bed and burying myself further into my millions of toys and pillows. "What's really the problem?" Hunter asked, still not showing any hint of amusement or sympathy.

"I'm tired okay!?" I yelled. "I've got so many tests and assessments and all of you are completely useless. I'm in stupid extension maths where none of the tests or assignments make sense and they won't give us any hints on what the topic is! I know nothing!" I screamed in frustration, but Hunter didn't flinch. I lay back down and took a deep breath, just as a single tear rolled down my cheek.

Hunter grabbed my ankles and slid me down so my head was closer to him. He wiped the tear off my face and finally showed some sympathy.

"You know nothing you said is true." He said, breaking the nice silence.

"Yes, it is. School is stupid and pointless." I grumbled, sitting up and crawling away from him, back to the comfort of my pillows.

"No. School's not stupid and you know it. You also know that you'll ace the Indonesian, like you do every time, and you actually do understand all the maths, it just takes a while for it to properly make sense." Stupid adulty people. They're always right.

"But the maths doesn't make sense! And none of you can even help me. You all suck at maths." I exclaimed.

"Calm down Livi. I'm just trying to have a conversation with you." He frowned, and I took another deep breath before nodding. "You know Lachie's good at maths."

"He is good at maths, but he'd never help me anyway. He has no patience." I grumbled.

"Come here." Hunter motion forward, so I shuffled towards him. He pulled me into a big bear hug.

"I wish mum was here." I whispered, thinking it was quiet enough for him not to hear.

"Me too baby. Me too." He sighed, kissing the top of my head.

"Do you miss her?" I ask, looking up at my eldest brother.

"What sort of question is that?" He half-smiled. "Every day."

"Me too. She would have known what to do." I sighed, laying my head back on his chest.

"I know. She would have been so proud of you though. All of you. And dad too." Hunter said, squeezing tighter for a second. That was all the motivation I needed.

Hi everyone,

Thankyou so much for over 12k reads! It's kind of incredible since this story has only been out for about 8 weeks.

I'm so sorry for the long wait for this chapter; I've had so many assessments but at least I've got the last one tomorrow morning.

Please let me know feedback and what you want to happen for future chapters.

Vote and comment xx

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