22) Happy tears

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*Darren's P.O.V

Willow and I got up slightly early this morning, so we could catch our flight.

Once we got to the airport, we checked in all the luggage and went to get food. I found a café right across from our terminal, so I suggested we get food there which she was fine with. Once again, she hadn't eaten any of the foods there, so I order her a raspberry and white choc muffin and a hot chocolate. I knew she'd like it, which was correct when I could here her mumbling about how delicious it was.

'Dad, what is that?' Willow asked me, pointing out the window to the plane.

'That is the plane we're getting on. It will fly up into the sky, travel for a while, and then go back down to the ground in Melbourne. Where Jayden and the others are.' I explained.

'We get to go INSIDE of that thing? The aeroplane?' She started jumping around.

'Yes. Sit down.' I said, putting on a semi-serious tone. She immediately listened and looked down at her lap. I instantly felt bad, but subconsciously told myself she has to learn. Instead of comforting her I changed the topic.

'Are you excited to see Jayden?'

'Yeah, but...but.' She started saying, then sighed and stared at the window.

'but what Willow?' I asked softly, reaching out and grabbing her hand.

'What if he doesn't remember me? What happens if he doesn't like me because I'm big now, not little.'

'Oh baby.' I said, pulling her into my lap and encasing her in my arms. 'He would never forget you. And you'll always be his little sister, no matter where you are or how big you are. Anyway, you're still tinsy tiny.' I reassured her, poking her in the stomach at the end, making her giggle.

'Are you sure?' She asked with her serious face back on.

'Sure as I could possibly be. But, we have to get on the plane now!' I said, standing up and grabbing my bag. I helped her put her bag on, grabbed her hand and off we went.

The lady scanned our boarding passes and told us to have a nice trip. Willow could barely contain her squeals and jumps, but one stern look from me calmed her straight down. I can't believe how new this all was to her, it's amazing that I get to experience with it her though.

The flight was only about and hour and a half, and Willow watched a show on my iPad which she had picked last night off Netflix downloads. The only hard part was Willow's continuous complaints about her ears on the descent. She kept whining, but I did manage to keep her quiet when I found a lollipop in the bottom of my bag. No idea how that got there or what it was from, but it did the job anyway.

We collected our bags from the carousel, which Willow enjoyed watching go around and around again. He excitement for a simple bag carousel was very entertaining to watch if I'm honest, and her disappointment when we had to leave was very hard to keep a straight face at. I had to promise her 3 times that we would come back soon to see it again, then finally we could leave.

The Uber was there right when we walked out, and off we were to the other Miller household. Oh boy. This was going to be interesting.


We arrived at the house, and I got our bags out of the boot. Willow had become drowsy in the gentle car ride, so I fully woke her by reminding her we were about to see Jayden. That worked super quickly.

I went up to the door and let Willow press the doorbell. We heard footsteps and she quickly ducked behind me, making me chuckle. The door swung open, and there stood Hunter. Geez, he had grown since I last saw him! He was the same height as me at 6 foot 1.

'Hey Uncle Darren!' Said Hunter. Jayden appeared right behind him.

'Hey Dad, how's it going?' Jayden asked me, taking my suitcase from me. That was when Willow decided to peek out from behind me. She looked up and made eye contact with Jayden. He dropped my suitcase and his jaw too. He then burst out crying, hands furiously rubbing at his eyes, trying to stop the waterworks, then looking back to Willow. When she realised he was crying, she looked up at me, worry filling her eyes and face. Before I could do anything about it, Jayden spoke.

'Willow. Is it actually you?' He said, his eyes red. She nodded meekly, and Jayden shoved me out of the way and scooped up Willow. 'Oh my god. It is.' He held her so tight, but I could see Willow was strangling him just as hard, although Jayden probably couldn't even feel her. She still had no muscle. Meanwhile Hunter just stood there, gobsmacked to see Willow. He seemed frozen to the spot, but I'm not surprised. I mean, she has been missing for the past 5 years, then all of a sudden, she made a miraculous reappearance.

'Let's go in, shall we?' I suggested, which managed to knock Hunter out of his trance. He then nodded and walked inside, followed by me, then Jayden who was still carrying Willow. I will be surprised when he actually let's go of her.

We went around to the lounge room and everyone spread themselves out over the couches. Hunter then called out to the 3 other boys, who were apparently upstairs.

'Boys get your butts down here. There's something you might want to see!' Hunter shouted, more like bellowed actually. He once again looked over at Willow, who was enjoying being in her big brothers' arms. It was very cute to see Jayden being affectionate again.

'I missed you Jay.' Willow sighed into Jayden's shoulder.

'You'll never know how much I missed you baby. You'll never know.' Smiled Jayden. We then heard the sounds of big feet thumping down the stairs.

'What's up? Oh hey Uncle Darren.' Said Olli, smiling at me. I returned the smile and pointed to Jayden. Each and every one of the boy's jaws dropped to the ground.

'Oh. My. God.' Said Jaxon. 'I'm hallucinating right?' He asked, clearly shocked.

'Hunterrrrrrr!! What'd you call us for?' Appeared Livi, out of nowhere. Hunter just looked at her and then back to Jayden. Livi followed his line of sight, then had the exact same reaction as the other boys. Except, she actually reacted.

'WILLOW!!!!!!!' She screamed in joy, shooting over to where Jayden and willow were sitting and embracing them both in the biggest hug her noodle arms could manage. For having huge brothers she sure was tiny. Just like Willow.

Willow giggled and let go of Jayden to hug Livi back.

'Finally I have my favourite cousin back! That's a girl!!!' Exclaimed Livi, sighing in pleasure.

'OI!! Just coz she's back doesn't mean you get to ditch me silly.' Said Jaxon poking them both, which resulted in a few giggles.

Finally, after what seemed like ages, Jayden let go of Willow, so she could hug the other boys. They hugged her gently but firmly, as if she was glass that might break if you put too much pressure on it. When they were taking turns, I did sneak a glance over to Livi, who did not look impressed that her brothers would hug Willow and not her. Ahh, siblings.



Hey Guys,

Please vote and comment, also im at over 200 reads! I can't believe it since my story has only been up for about a week.

Comment ideas for future chapters, anything at all. xx

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