80) Our Secret

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"What do we do?" Asked Olli.

"What do you mean?" Hunter sighed.

"How are we meant to get to school if Jaxon isn't going?"

"Oh, uh. He can still take you. Livi can just stay in the car since you can't leave her."

"Sure." I nodded.

"Okay, I've really got to go."

"Don't touch Livi!" Lachie stopped Hunter. "Highly contagious.

"Right." He nodded. "See you later baby. Jaxon is in charge."

"Bye Hunt." I said, pushing him out the door. "Okay, are you guys ready to go?"

"Yep." They replied. I just had to get Livi.

I walked back over to where she was only to find she had fallen asleep on the couch.


I felt horrible. I was cold but sweating slightly and I was so itchy, but I didn't want to touch it and I looked hideous.

I managed to fall asleep since I was so tired after trying to fight Hunter, but I had only just drifted off when someone started lightly shaking me.

"Baby c'mon. We've got to go drop the boys off at school."

"Noooo." I whined.

"Come on, there we go." He said, picking me up.

He carried me to the car, making sure none of his skin was touching mine, and gently placed me in the back. Olli got in next to me since Lachie had made it clear that there was no way he was sitting next to me. I laid down and rested my head on his lap, of which he had no objection to, thankfully. I didn't fall asleep again since Jaxon kept speaking to me.

"Bye Olli." I smiled up at him from laying on his lap.

"Bye baby." He chuckled, sliding out and letting my head drop.

"Bye Livi." Lachie said.

"See you later, Lachie." I grumbled, glaring at him. He winked at me before grabbing his bag out of the boot and walking off to meet his friends.

"Let's go home." Said Jaxon. "I need to book your doctor's appointment."

"Ooh, I love my doctor. She's really nice." I said.

"That's good. Now put your seatbelt on properly and sit up." He ordered, watching me through the mirror.

I did what he said, and we drove home, talking about what happened.

"I just woke up and I had spots everywhere. They're really itchy too." I mumbled, scratching my leg.

"Don't touch it!"

"But it's itchy! My pants are rubbing on it."

"Well change when we get home, but unless you want to sit there in your undies then you have to wait." He snarked.

"Don't be mean." I stuck my tongue out.

"I'm not being mean baby." He smirked and I glared.

I had to wait uncomfortably for 10 minutes before we finally arrived home. I got out and went inside, going upstairs to my room and shutting the door behind me. I was going back to sleep.

I slept for about an hour before I had to get up and go to the doctors. When we arrived, I went in straight away, having to lay on the bed so that none of my germs would get on the seat.

"I can tell what you have already." Smiled my doctor.

"What is it?" Asked Jaxon.

"That, unfortunately, is chickenpox."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"You are contagious, but so far I know all your brothers have had the shot or have had it before. You won't be able to go to school for at least 4 days, so not until this week, but otherwise you'll be fine."

"Oh that's good." I nodded, grinning like a woman possessed on the inside.

"One more thing though." She said hesitantly and my eyes widened. "You need to have the vaccination."

"No, no, no." I started protesting.

"Livi, we've done this before. You'll be fine."

"No, no, no."

"Baby, relax. Just close your eyes and hold my hand." Jaxon said, standing up and grabbing my hand. I heard my doctor start opening drawers and the crumpling of plastic, before she whispered 'good job' to Jaxon.

"Okay, how's school going Livi?" My doctor asked, clearly trying to distract me.

"Good." I answered, squeezing my eyes shut tight and holding onto Jaxon for dear life.

She lifted up my sleeve and wiped my arm with antiseptic, all whilst babbling on about who knows what.

I felt the sharp prick of the needle in my arm. I waited and waited and waited until I heard Jaxon laugh.

"You can open your eyes now baby. All done." He smiled. I slowly released his hand and my doctor spoke more to me and Jaxon.

"You were so brave Livi." Jaxon said once we were back in the car.

"I don't like those." I shook my head, shuddering at the thought.

"Neither do I. I use to be just like you. I would sit on mum's lap and squeeze her hand just like you did to mine."

I smiled at the idea of such a fond memory. Jaxon wasn't one for moments like these.

"Do you want to go to McDonalds?" He asked.

"Yeah, but I can't go in."

"We can go to the drive through. Just don't tell Hunter." He laughed.

"Deal. It can be our secret." I smiled.

I ordered a hot fudge sundae and Jaxon got an Oreo mcflurry, which I ate most of anyway. When we got home, I went back to my room and watched Gilmore Girls on my laptop whilst Jaxon studied for his exams, just like he promised Hunter he would.

Hunt did call me on his break to make sure I was okay, of which I promised him I was fine, but then I went back to my Netflix. I also made sure to add Jane the Virgin, Dirty Dancing and Glee to my list since I had been meaning to watch them for a real long time. I also added Tall Girl since watching a movie about a girl wearing size 13 Nikes sounded great, plus Tik Tok was kind of going crazy about it.

At about 2 o'clock, Jaxon came into my room.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Fine. Just itchy." I made a face. He smirked before speaking again.

"I need to tell you something, and I don't thing you're going to like it."

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