30) Term 2

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I spent the next week lazing around home, sleeping and watching Netflix. Theo and Lexi came around once too, which was probably the only time I changed out of pyjamas or sweatpants. Not having Willow around was really annoying too since it meant I was once again stuck with 4 idiots.

The weather had gotten colder, and days were spent indoors since it was cloudy and overcast.

Today is Sunday, which means school starts back tomorrow, but I don't really care. I don't mind school, I always get good grades and I have great friends plus it's time away from my brothers, but it is kind of boring and tiring. We do so many assessments and they all seem to end up due in the same week, which means at that time of the term I have no time at all. I do netball and dance outside of school, so that generally takes up my afternoons, which leaves me working late at night to try and get it done. Not to mention I have to block out the noise of 3 teenage boys, and Hunter.

Ah, the joys of life.

It's nearly 6pm, so Hunter is making dinner and I'm talking to him whilst he does it.

"So, you ready for term 2?" He asks, making me groan. "I thought you liked school!"

"It's not that I don't like it, but I have to get up early again and wear a tie with my uniform this term and it's just boring." I rambled on, making him chuckle.

"It's only 6 years Liv. You'll survive."

"6 years too many." I groaned, dropping my head into my hands on the kitchen bench.

"Aw, is the baby tired?" Mocked Jaxon as he waltzed into the room. I shot my head back up and glared at him.

"No, she's just grumpy because school starts tomorrow." Hunter explained.

"I thought perfect A+ students liked school?" Jaxon teased, raising his eyebrows at me. I smirked.

"How did your Indonesian holiday essay go Jax?" I said, wiping the smirk off his face.

Since all 4 of my older brothers do or did Indonesian I learnt a lot. I know it's not a very common language, but my school offers it, and my dad knew it since he loved going to Bali. We used to go there every year before they died. I take one year 12 class a week, and Jaxon is in that class, because he's in year 12. Also, I spoke to Dad in it when I was younger and was trying to speak in a 'code' my brothers couldn't understand. Only now do I realise how stupid that was, because they knew nearly as much as I do.

Jaxon didn't respond, just growled at me then turned his attention to Hunter.

"When's dinner ready?" He said.

"Now. Go get the other 2." Hunter said, getting the bowls out of the cupboard to serve.

Once we were all seated around the dining table, Hunter started the conversation. He asked the question that has been on my mind for the past 2 weeks.

"What sports are all of you going to do this term at school?" Said Hunter. I internally growled.

"Footy," Jaxon, Olli and Lachie all chorused at the same time.

"Remember you have to pick 2 sports." Hunter reminded them.

"Yeah, I'm doing Basketball." Said Lachie.

"Me too." Olli said.

"I'm swimming." Said Jaxon. As much as I hated to say it, he was a really good swimmer. I used to swim too, but I stopped since I preferred netball and dance. They all think it was because I didn't like being in the 'second' spotlight, since Jaxon was better, but they have never seen me dance before.

"Good. What are you going to do Livi?" Asked Hunter, making 3 other sets of eyes turn to me.

"Um. I don't know." I shrugged and shoved another forkful of pasta into my mouth. I did know what I was going to do. Dance and Netball. But they didn't need to know that.

"Well, you need to pick something." Said Jaxon very matter-of-factly.

"I will." I sneered back at him. It's their own fault they don't know.

"Okay chill out guys." Interjected Hunter. "What else is everyone going to participate in?"

The boys talked about everything they were signing up for this term for the rest of dinner, but I just sat quietly, hoping they'd ignore me and continue. Thankfully the attention wasn't on me again, I didn't want Jaxon to work out I was lying when I said I had no idea what I wanted to do.

Hunter made everyone retreat to their rooms early because he wanted us to sort out our things for tomorrow. I laid out my uniform, but I did have to go into Hunter so that he could tie my tie. God, that thing was confusing. After that was all neat, I made sure everything I needed was in my bag, then had a shower and got into my Pyjamas. Hunter came in not long afterwards to say goodnight.

"What are you actually going to sign up for baby? I know that you decided so don't try to change my mind." Said Hunter, taking the words right out of my mouth. I was tucked under the covers, the scuttled over to one side so he could hop in. He smiled at my gesture then shook his head and lay on top instead. I frowned but cuddled into him none-the-less. There's just something really amazing about being in the arms of your big brother. "So?"

I sighed then mumbled what I chose.

"Just tell me!" Hunter said.

"Netball and Dance." I whispered.

"Good. I was hoping you'd do them." He smiled. "What other thing?"

"Inky Judges." I said, knowing he wouldn't understand. He gave me a look of confusion then I explained. "It's one of the extra-curricular programmes the library runs. You have 5 months to read 20 books. They give you the books and everyone who does it reads the same books." I said.

"Right. You sure you can read that fast? I mean, I didn't think you were that clever!" He joked. I liked times like these, when my nice brother Hunter was there, not my rude father-figure Hunter or my mean older brother Hunter. I whacked at his chest, but he just grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer, kissing my forehead. "Just kidding, that's a good idea. Is it a competition?"

"Not really, we judge the books and 2 of them win if they're good. But if you do manage to finish them you get a $20 book voucher." I said. The voucher was the best part if I'm honest. I knew reading the books would be easy since I'm a super-fast reader.

"I'll take you book shopping when you get it. One more question. How are you going to hide dance and reading from the rest of the boys? I can't hide you from them forever you know." Hunter said.

I sighed and nodded. I'll tackle that tomorrow. 



Hi Everyone, just so you know, I live in Australia, and my statistics say most of my readers aren't Australian. Anyway, I just wanted to make it clear that when I say footy, I mean like AFL, which is Australian football. With the red ball that's oval shaped. 

Hope you like the story so far, please comment anything and give me feedback and advice. xx

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