5) Oakwood Elementary

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I woke up to the blaring of my alarm. I kept my eyes closed as I reached above my head, searching for the source of the noise. I finally found it, just as a realised what today was. The first day of Term 1. At a new school!

The high school I'm attending is called Oakland Elementary, and is the same school my brothers go to, or went to (in Hunter's case). I'm lucky that I have seen the school before and been inside a few times for presentations and performances. Also by the hundreds of footy games I've been dragged to. We were always going to attend this school because my dad was a science and maths teacher there and was well-respected. In fact, everyone loved my dad, just like my family did. He had a good sense of humour and was very patient. He learnt from having 4 crazy sons. I was excited to start, but terrified at the same time. I came from a very small year level at my primary school, Oak Primary, with only 30 kids, so having 250 was going to be a major adjustment. At least all my besties were coming to Oakland with me.

Once I had woken up fully, I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I can never be bothered to have a shower in the morning, so I just washed my face, did my teeth and brushed my hair. I did my hair up in a high ponytail and walked back into my wardrobe to put my uniform on. One thing I do like about Oakland is that they actually have a uniform. Lots of the schools in our area don't have a uniform, but I can't even imagine having to choose what I wear each day. I don't have enough clothes to do that, especially when I prefer to spend my time in trackies and Jaxon or Hunter's t-shirts. The uniform was a pretty light blue and white checkered dress with white socks and T-bars. The jumper was a deep royal blue that had the school logo and name printed on it. For the boys it was a blue shirt with grey shorts and grey socks with lace-ups. I really liked the uniform, and I'd never heard anyone complain about it, so I always assumed most other people liked it too.

I already packed all my books last night, so luckily, I don't have to do it now. I double checked I looked okay in the mirror, then grabbed my bag and walked downstairs. Hunter was standing in the kitchen waiting for his toast to pop up, so I decided to have a tiny bit of fun. I went up behind him and yelled 'BOO' whilst jumping onto his back. I caught him completely off guard, which made the reaction way better. He screamed and stumbled, but was holding onto the bench, so didn't actually fall over. That was a good thing since I was still on his back at that point.

'Livi! Oh my god, don't ever do that! You nearly killed me!'

'Sure I did,' I said still laughing at him. I hopped down off his back and went to get my favourite cereal; coco pops.

'Look at you! You look so grown up in that dress.' Hunt stated, whilst looking me up and down.

'Nah, she still looks like a baby,' someone said whilst draping their hands over my shoulders. I looked up to see the one and only, Jaxon. I glared at him and went back to pouring my coco pops.

'See, she's even eating baby food!'

'Am not!' I turned back around, only he wasn't there. 'What, where'd you...' That boy has way too much confidence. There he was standing eating MY coco pops smirking at me like he was the coolest person on the planet.

'I. Do. Not. Like. You.' I punctuated with each word, then turned back around to get myself some more coco pops. Nobody could ruin my mood today.

Once all of us had eaten, it was 7:50am and that meant school started in about half an hour. It was a 15 minute drive there, and we had to be at out lockers by at least 8:15, plus I had to get my schedule so we all piled into the card and left. Our car was the BMW X5 which had 7 seats. The only problem was that whenever we had people like Eli and his brother, I would have to sit on someone's lap which was usually Jaxon's since 2 of the boys didn't fit in the back seats at once. Thankfully, we weren't picking anyone up today, so I had a seat all to myself. I could hardly contain the nerves that were pumping through my body and the excitement and adrenalin in my veins. I had a feeling this was going to be a great year.

We arrived near school and Hunter managed to find a 5-minute park right across the road. Before any of us had the chance to escape this box we call a car, Hunter had already hit lock.

'You all know you have to be more responsible this year because you have to be there for Livi. Livi remember the rules; NO boys, meet wherever Jaxon, Olli or Lachie tell you at the end of the day and go get one of them straight away if there's a problem. Got it?' Hunter said for the millionth time.

'Yes! I get it, jeez all of you are crazy protective weirdos.' I said huffing and rolling my eyes.

'Have a good day all of you.' Hunter said to us as he unlocked the door, freeing us from that trap. Everyone mumbled yeah's and thankyou's and we were on our way. Starting high school!

The boys did paper, scissors rock to find out which of them had to take me to the office to get my timetable I could have easily gone on my own, but Hunt said they had to. Jaxon lost, so off we went to the office, my hands shaking as they weaved themselves between each other.

'Hey, you'll be fine okay. Just relax.' Jax said to me as he grabbed my hands and spun me to face him.

'Easy for you to say.' I rolled my eyes at him and kept walking.

'That's not fair Livi. Just because I'm the most popular guy at this school doesn't mean I started just like you. At least you know Noah, Hugh, Theo and Lexi, I only knew Dylan.'

'I guess.' I sighed but brightened up as I saw Hugh in front of the office. 'Hugh!' I called out to him. He looked up, smiled and waved.

'Hey Livi, Jaxon.' He said smiling.

'hey mate,' Jaxon nodded at him. 'Come get your timetable so that I can leave and you can check it with Hugh, kay?' I nodded and in we went, Hugh waited outside.

'Hi Mrs Jennings, can we please have my little sister Olivia's timetable please? She's starting year 7 this year!' Jaxon politely said to the small old lady at the desk.

'Why, of course Jaxon! My, my memories getting a bit shabby now a days, I've forgotten your surname, remind me please?'

'Oh, of course, it's Miller.'

'Ah yes here we are. Here you go my dear, enjoy your first day!' Mrs Jennings handed over my timetable and off we went. When I got outside, Noah, Theo, Hugh and Lexi were all standing together chatting. I said bye to Jax and went over to them. We compared timetables and just my luck! I only have one class alone, English.

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