37) Footy

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After the concert last night everyone was in a really good mood, especially me, and Eli offered to take us all out for dinner. Being the nice human he was, he let me pick. I chose my favourite place to go; Fat boy, which is a Thai Restaurant. Usually we get take away from there, but Eli suggested we eat in.

I got satay chicken, and most of them got flavours that were really spicy. I didn't understand how anyone could eat spicy food without their heads blowing off, so I decided just to stick to my favourite. The boys prefer pizza, but I don't really like pizza, so I generally just make myself something if they get that.

Thai was delicious, and afterwards Eli treated us all by going to frozen yoghurt. We went to a store called Yo-chi, which was a do-it-yourself frozen yogurt place in the main street. You paid by weight, so I did feel kind of bad for Eli having to pay for my pigs of brothers. They overloaded theirs with Oreos, wafers, chocolate syrup, sprinkles, M&M's and basically anything else that was unhealthy. I got about half of the amount they did, but still didn't manage to finish it. Jaxon called dibs first, so he got to eat the rest. It was far beyond me how he could eat that much and still be pure muscle.

Now it was Sunday morning, and I was enjoying the nice warmth of my bed covers at 10am. I was half awake when a huge monster flopped on top of me, pancaking me between it and the bed.

"Get off you fat loser!" I yelled, trying to sit up and push them off. They rolled over, still on top of me and got into a push-up position, hovering above me.

"Get up." Said Jaxon.

"No." I said simply, tucking back underneath the covers.

"Fine. I guess I'll just have to do this." He got off the bed, then ripped the covers onto the floor.

"JAXON! Don't do that!" I yelled, scrambling to get them back, but he just pushed them further away.

"Come on, you have to come to our footy game." He smirked.

"Noooo. I don't wanna go to that stupid game!" I whined, flopping on my bed, giving up on trying to get the covers.

"It's not a stupid game. And you can't stay here on your own, babies need supervision." He laughed, still smirking.

"I am NOT a baby," I protested.

"Just get up." He rolled his eyes, making his way out the door.

"Come back Jaxon!" I whined, which got him to poke his head back through the door. He looked at me expectantly, so I held my arms up to say, 'carry me.' He grinned, then walked over to me and scooped me up.

"And you say you're not a baby huh?" He asked, mocking me.

"Nope, I'm not a baby, but you're a giant." I smiled, tucking into him as he walked downstairs.

Once he got to the couch, he deposited me and went into the kitchen. He came back a few minutes later with a bowl of my cereal and passed it to me.

"Thanks?" I said, more as a question. He wasn't usually this nice, but he didn't answer me.

Once I was done eating I went back upstairs to change. I put on my ripped denim skinny jeans and a long sleeved flowy top but added one of Jaxon's older footy jumpers on top. When I went back downstairs, he looked me up and down, grinning. I was expecting him to say something about me wearing his hoodie, but he didn't. Strange.

We all piled into the car, heading for a nearby oval where the game was being played. The school they were versing didn't actually have their own oval to play on, so they had to use the local public one instead. Jaxon was being overly cheery in the car ride, and I didn't understand so I finally got the courage to ask.

"Ok, is it just me or is there something seriously wrong with Jaxon?" I asked, not able to take it any longer. Everyone in the car went silent, and Olli was first to speak.

"Yeah, I agree with Livi. Why are you so happy?"

"What's so wrong with me being happy? Last time I checked it wasn't a crime." Said Jaxon, rolling his eyes for like the hundredth time today.

"Yeah but it's just not like you." I said.

"Fine. I did a week with all of you, no Hunter, and nothing went wrong. At all." He smiled to himself.

"And?" I asked, waiting for more.

"And...Maybe he'll give me some more responsibilities with you guys. I'm not as young as he thinks I am, I mean I am 18." He scoffed.

"Okay, sure." I said sceptically. I wasn't entirely convinced quite yet.

We drove for a while longer before arriving at the oval. The three boys immediately went over to the field and started warming up, whilst Eli and I went to find some seats in the grand stand. We did find some with a pretty good view of the game, even though I had no intention of watching, then waited for the start.

The game started, and everyone immediately sprang into action. I did not understand how anyone could enjoy this game at all, especially with all the other team's players just trying to snatch the ball off you or tackle you. There were so many injuries in the game, it was like they all just had an immediate death wish, which I didn't understand at all.

After a painfully long hour or boredom, the game finished, and we went down to meet the boys.

"Did you win?" I asked, actually not caring at all.

"Of course we did! Stupid question!" Jaxon remarked stepping closer to me and wrapping me in a big hug, making sure to shove my head into his chest.

"EWWWWWW!!!! Get off me!!!!" I screamed. "You're all sweaty and gross!!!"

He only laughed, along with my 2 other brothers and a few nearby teammates, but he didn't let go, so I kept on shoving. Finally he did, and I took in a big deep breath of clean air, then gave him a cold death stare. It didn't faze him at all though, and he just poked my nose, making me growl and slap his hand away.

Only a few more hours until Hunter is home, I thought, inwardly sighing.

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