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'HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLLIE!!!' I screamed as I jumped up and down on his bed, clearly way more enthusiastic than him. He groaned and opened his eyes, just so he could glare at me. He grabbed my legs and pulled me down so that I was lying next to him. Then, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him, so tight I had no chance of escaping. 'Lemme goooo!' I whined like a baby, struggling to try and escape.

'Shush. Sleep, it's only 7.' He then closed his eyes again, still not releasing me from his death trap.

This is when you can see how different my brothers and I are. What fun is sleeping in on your birthday! I mean, you can sleep in any other day, but why wait when there are presents to open! I don't understand how they can do that. If there are presents wrapped up, they need to be opened ASAP. Such boring people.

I waited another hour, flicking between sleeping and daydreaming, then decided I couldn't wait any longer. I started squirming again and kicked Olli as hard as I could.

'Wake up Olliiii!'

'Fine! I'm up okay,' he said, flipping me over to face him. I smiled evilly and said,

'PRESENT TIME!' Well more like yelled, but same-same.

'Shut up Livi!' Olli clamped his hand over my mouth. '10 minutes okay?'

'Ugh, you're so boring! Why couldn't you be more fun like me!' I joked, annoyed he wouldn't listen to me.

'If everyone was like you I wouldn't exist. Wouldn't want that would we?'

'Eh, wouldn't be too bad,' I grinned.

'Oi!' He said, then punched me in the arm, gently though.

'Oww.' I said, rubbing it. He just rolled his eyes.

'If you're that desperate for me to open MY presents, go wake the other boys up okay? I'm sure that'll take some time.' He offered, giving me that knowing look. This wasn't an easy task.

'Mission accepted,' I said, mock saluting.

'Get of here, loser,' he laughed, stealing the doona off of me.

'I am NOT a loser.' I skipped out and began the major quest. Jaxon first, he would take the longest.

'Wake up, wake up, Wake up!' I yelled, jumping on top of him. Instead of him groaning like I thought he would, he sprung up to a sitting position, sending me to the ground. He let out a loud scream right before his eyes fluttered open and he started panting. By now I was killing myself laughing, rolling all over the floor.

'Idiot.' Jax muttered before slamming his pillow into me as hard as he could.

'Excuse me?' I said pretending to be offended, but he just ignored me. 'Come downstairs, Olli is going to open presents!' My excitement had returned.

'You're such a little kid,' Jaxon said laughing, 'so excited over a few little presents that aren't even yours.'

'Don't forget you don't even know what mine is yet! Also we get to eat cake!!'

'CAKE!' he screamed out, his face lighting up with excitement.

'Who's the little kid now?' I said standing up with my hands on my hips, smirking. He just through his other pillow at me.

I repeated this tactic with both Hunter and Lachie, but neither of them were that interesting. They just groaned and told me to go away, which I did, but not before making sure they were fully up and coming downstairs.

Finally, everyone was downstairs, and Olli began opening his presents. From 'all of us' I.e. Hunter, he got a new phone, the space grey iPhone XR, new footy boots and a black laptop case for his MacBook. He also got a few little things like M&M's and socks (my idea!). Next, he opened Jaxon's present; a personalised black phone case with 'Olli' monogrammed in gold. That was definitely going on my birthday list. After enjoying all his excitement from that, he opened Lachie's present. New games for the Xbox that he wanted, just the usual.

'Thanks so much guys, I love all of these!' Olli said, smiling.

'Livi. Where's your present?' Hunter asked me, somewhat sternly. I just smiled at him, then ran off into the kitchen where I had hidden it. I returned to see them all staring at me, so I walked over and handed the present to Olli. He raised his eyebrows at me but began to unwrap it none the less.

'OH MY GOD! Livi! How'd you know I wanted this??

'What! What is it,' the other boys chorused.

'The latest UE Boom speaker. Edition 3! They're really hard to find around here, where'd you get it?' He asked incredulously.

'I have my ways.' I smiled mysteriously, but even my gap filled answers couldn't ruin his mood.

'I love you so much!' He said, putting the box on the table, lifting me up and spinning me around.

'You're welcome,' I said sweetly.

We sang happy birthday and ate cake for breakfast, per tradition, then decided we'd spend the day in the pool. I've never moved houses before, but I was lucky enough to have a pool with 2 water slides (A/N Pool up the top^^) in it. Olli was allowed to invite a few friends over as well, so we all went back upstairs to our rooms to get changed.

I did my hair with a French braid into a high pony, brushed my teeth, then went to decide which pair of bathers. I was feeling a yellow vibe today, so I chose my stripy yellow Halter neck bikini. I slid my sunnies on my head, put on my thongs then went downstairs. I knew the boys were going to absolutely LOVE my outfit. (note the sarcasm x).

Mase and a few of Olli's other friends that I didn't know came over for a swim too. The day ended up being really fun because the weather was really good! I had a lot of races with all the guys on the slides to see who could get down the fastest. Defending champion here!

I officially had another 17 year old brother.

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