62) Beck

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"Now, class. We only have 2 weeks left of the semester, but we're going to start our new unit anyway. We will have a test next Wednesday on the small amount we cover between now and then. Any questions?"

"What is the topic?" Asked Hugh, stating the obvious.

"Oops. It's fractions." Everyone groaned. "Hey! I like fractions!" My teacher laughed, only making us groan more.

I did not get fractions. Nothing about them made sense, not to mention the fact that my mind had been really foggy and all the words on the page were blurry recently. I'm blaming it on my tiredness since it is the end of the term.

Our maths teacher started explaining and showing us on the board, but all the lines were fuzzy, and I couldn't make them out.

"Noah!?" I whispered since he was sitting next to me.

"What?" He asked.

"What does it say?" He looked at me funny bit didn't have the chance.

"Noah and Livi, please save your conversations for recess." My teacher interrupted, and I slinked back into my chair. I hated getting into trouble.

The rest of the class passed, and I wasn't able to take a single note down since I couldn't see anything on the board. This was the same in all my other classes, but it hadn't really occurred to me since I didn't need to see it. Now, I really needed it.

"Why were you asking if I could read it for you?" Asked Noah as we walked out of the classroom, heading for our lockers since it was the end of the day.

"I've got a headache and I can't read it." I lied.

"Are you sure? You were squinting pretty hard." He looked at me seriously.

"Yeah, don't worry about it." I waved it off.

"Okay, if you're sure. Have a good weekend." He side hugged me, and we split directions. I sighed and went to grab all the things out of my locker then headed to the car.

Somewhere in between the 15-minute drive from school and home, I fell asleep. I only woke up when I felt myself being carried inside and looked up to see Jaxon carrying me, so I fell back asleep.

After a peaceful nap, I woke up slightly disorientated and tried to work out where I was. I was in my bed, but I had a throbbing headache. At least now I didn't feel so bad about what I said to Noah.

"Baby? You awake?" Said Jaxon, peeping into my room.

"Yeah." I said sitting up and grabbing my head.

"What's wrong?"

"Headache." I said, squinting my eyes shut.

"I'll get Hunter to bring some medicine up." He kissed my forehead and left the room again, so I laid back down only to fall asleep again.


I mostly slept all of Saturday since my headache was still there and I was exhausted. Thankfully, today my headache had subsided, and I was completely fine and energised. I was lounging around when Hunter came in and told me to get dressed.

"Why?" I asked.

"You don't remember what's happening today?" He smirked, and I shook my head. "You and Beck are making cupcakes. I just got back from the supermarket with all the ingredients." He smiled.

"Hooray!" I shouted, jumping out of bed and running into my wardrobe. I heard Hunter laugh as he left, and I scrambled to get clothes. I slid them on and brushed a hand through my hair. It didn't look amazing but oh well.

Once that was done I headed downstairs and decided to watch TV until Beck arrived. I got about halfway through and episode of Fuller house when I heard the doorbell ring. I sprung from my seat and ran around the corner to the hallway.

"I've got it!" I yelled to no one in particular. "Hi Beck!" I greeted her.

"Livi!" She smiled, giving me a hug.

"I'm so excited!" I gushed, leading her into the kitchen.

"Me too! I missed doing this with the boys so much!"

"Hello?" I heard a voice I knew all too well call from behind us.

"Eli!!!!!" Yelled, spinning around and jumping into his arms.

"Livi!" He said, catching me and hugging me tight.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, my mum over there thought it would be a good idea to give Hunt a break so him and I are going to go hang out for a while." He smiled, putting me down right as Hunter appeared.

"Ready to go?" He asked Eli whilst bro hugging him.

"Bye Hunter!" I said, giving him a quick hug and shoving him out the door.

"Woah. You really don't want me anymore." He chuckled.

"I love you Hunter," I smiled sweetly but then turned serious. "But leave." I pointed to the door.

"Fine, fine." He held his hands up in surrender. "I'm going. See you later. Behave." He eyed me before giving a quick kiss on the cheek and shutting the door behind him.

"Let's make cupcakes!" I squealed, running back to Beck.

We got all the ingredients out and I found the right page of our cookbook so that we could follow the correct steps.

"What's the first step?" Beck asked me, even though she was close enough to read it herself.

"I...uh...you read it." I rushed out. "I'll crack the eggs."

"Sure." She replied, looking at me suspiciously.

We made the batch of cupcakes and they turned out perfectly. I managed to dodge reading every time by being 'busy' at the moment even if I wasn't. I'm sure Beck was suspicious, but I didn't want to embarrass myself of have her concerned, even when it's just because I'm tired.

Once we were done, we iced them with buttercream frosting and topped them with little heart sprinkles. They ended up looking so good and since we were the chefs and had to make sure they weren't poisonous, we tested out one each. Thankfully, they were perfectly not-poisoned.




A New Family


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