36) Showcase

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Thankfully the second half of my week has passed with no mishaps. When I first found out that Hunter had to go away, I was adamant the boys would take full advantage of him not being around to punish us for whatever, but I have to admit I was wrong. Of course they have not stopped teasing me about my dancing, but they would have done that even if Hunter was here, so it didn't make a difference. I do miss Hunter though, and I worry about him a lot, so I'm always texting him. I always freak out if he doesn't respond within 10 minutes. It got to the point where either Jaxon or Olli would take my phone away and not give it back for ages. That helped, for the time being, until I had it back and the process began all over again.

Today was Saturday, the day of my dance showcase.

My netball game just finished, luckily with a win. I scored 14 goals and Lexi shot 3, totally 17 compared to their score of 2. Now I was at home, stretching out my muscles down in the studio.

"LIVI!!!" Yelled Jaxon.

"WHAT!" I yelled back. He followed my voice and found me in the studio. He came here every now and again because there were weights.

"Preparing for the big show?" He smirked.

"You know it's just a progress showcase. We're doing tumbling and a short ballet dance. Nothing exciting." I grumbled. Once Eli found out the boys knew about my dance, he allowed them to come, even against my constant protests.

"Still. It's the first time I get to see my baby dance!" Jaxon fake squealed. "Anyway, Hunter just texted me because he knew I had your phone and told me to tell you not to forget your MP bag. He said it was in his room from last time, whatever that means." He said as he looked up and down from his phone. "What's an MP bag?"

"Take a guess." I said sarcastically.

"How would I know! I don't do ballet!" He exclaimed.

"Makeup. It's a makeup bag." I sighed. He's really dumb.

"Why do you need makeup?" He asked, confused.

"Stage makeup? For the dance show? Everyone wears it." I explained, rolling my eyes and sliding into the left splits.

"Okay. Uh, you sure that's normal?" He said, motioning to the position of my legs.

"Totally." I lied. "Now get out."

"Feisty." He remarked, holding his hands up in surrender. "The show starts at 2 and apparently we need to be there an hour before, so come up and have lunch in about 10 minutes then get ready to leave." Jaxon said, making his way out.

I continued stretching, repeating all 3 splits, over split and a bridge. I checked a few back hand-springs and walkovers, then went upstairs.

I could never really dance on a full stomach, so I just snatched half of the Vegemite sandwich Jaxon was eating whilst going on snapchat on his phone.

"HEY! That's mine!" He yelled after I snatched it out of his hands.

"Mine now," I grinned, licking it. He made a disgusted face, then got up to make himself another one. Tasted pretty good too, if I'm being honest.

Once I was done, and had gotten all my stuff ready upstairs, we all piled into the car and headed off to our performance location. We were performing at the same venue my dance school uses for our concerts; the Besen Centre. It was a really good facility, with soundproof dressing rooms and lots of space in the stage wings.

As soon as we got there, I instructed all the boys on what to do and where to go, and where the food was being sold. Of course, they went there straight away, whilst I headed backstage.

I spotted Lexi over at one of the mirrors getting her hair and makeup done by her mum. I missed mum doing mine, and this time even Hunter wouldn't be doing my makeup. I sighed as I made my way over to her, then put on a smile. This was going to be fun, and as much as I didn't want my brothers to find out about me dancing, I couldn't help but be a little excited for their sake.

"Livi! Oh darling, it's been so long since I've seen you!" Exclaimed Elise, Lexi's Mum, giving me a big hug.

"I haven't seen you in ages either!" I replied back.

"Have a seat," she said quickly as she pulled a chair up for me. "Hunter messaged and told me that he wouldn't be here, so I'll be 2 minutes finishing Lexi's then I can do yours!"

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I can do it." I said politely.

"Don't be silly! I'm going to do it, you can start brushing your hair though." She dismissed my idea with a wave of her hand, then placed a hairbrush in my lap.

As I brushed my blonde waves, I spoke to Lexi about the show. We were both nervous and excited at the same time, but she was happy because her dad wasn't away for work today and could actually come and see her. I was sort of the same with my brothers, only I didn't originally want them here.

Elise quickly did my makeup and put my hair into a perfect bun, with all the pins and the net. Unlike Lexi, my hair was thick enough to make a ballet bun on its own, so that sped the process up quite a lot. It took Hunter so long to learn how to do my ballet bun, and Elise was the one who taught him. She was a dancer when she was young, so had plenty of experience.

Once we were done backstage, the two of us went and laced up our point shoes, making sure they were as comfortable as possible. We were doing the ballet dance first, then showing some tumbling and acro tricks.

After that, we both went out to the stage, with the curtains still down, to warm up and have a practice. In no time at all, we were told to take our positions, as the curtains would be rising any time soon.

We all stood frozen in place in the pitch black whilst we waited for the curtains to rise. They did, and the dance's music began playing. I instantly forgot I was on stage and that so many people were watching me and just danced. I let the music guide me through the clever choreography and I felt so graceful. All too quickly the music finished, and we were once again frozen to our positions. That's when reality came flooding back, turning my ears back on. I could hear the loud rumble of clapping and the sharp sounds of whistles. We all turned and gracefully walked off stage.

The tumbling was really fun because they just rolled a mat out over the stage, and we took turns running down the strip from each end. I did lots of aerials, front aerials, walkovers and handsprings. That also earned a great round of applause. Once we finished that, all of us walked out onto stage to take a bow. We got a standing ovation for that which felt so nice.

After I collected all my things from the dressing room, I went out to the meeting spot where I told everyone to go at the end. I quickly spotted them and ran up to them with the biggest grin on my face.

"That was amazing Livi!" Jaxon yelled, as he picked me up and swung me around. Once he placed me on the ground I went over to Eli.

"Good job Via." He grinned, using the nickname only he has ever called me. I gave him a tight hug then went to Olli.

"Not too bad." Said Olli, smirking. I glared at him, then he engulfed me in a hug. "Actually it was great." He whispered. When he let go of me, I turned around to look at Lachie. Him and I were never that close because he was too impatient for my 'games'. He smiled at me then actually hugged me, which I gladly embraced. 

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