48) Freezing cold

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Kitchen above^^
I was abruptly woken up when I felt my body slam against a hard surface. I let out a groan as I opened my eyes and sat up, only to find that I was on the floor in...Jaxon's room?

As usual, memories of last name came flooding back to me, and I groaned again, slamming my body to lay back flat.

"You good down there baby?" Asked Jaxon, rolling to look at me from the bed whilst rubbing his sleepy eyes. I looked up and glared before standing up and jumping on top of him. "Ugh. Get off of me." He whined, rolling over so I fell off to the side of him.

"JAXON!! You're squishing me!" I yelled, trying to shove him off. After him putting more pressure on for a few seconds he got up. "God, try losing some weight." I huffed, and he smirked.

"This is complete muscle baby and you know it." He said, flexing his arms.

"You're still too heavy." I said sassily, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Oh no you don't." He said, shoving his huge hands under my arms and lifting me up.

He swung me around a few times, despite my constant shrieks, then slammed me back down onto the bed. Then he went into the bathroom, but first told me to 'get out now' with a swear word in between.

I went downstairs and decided to be nice, since I was in a good mood.

I got out all the ingredients for pancakes, and whilst they were in the pan, set the kitchen bench up with all the toppings.

I set out jam, maple syrup, whipped cream, honey, icing sugar and a tiny amount of chocolate syrup too, because Hunt didn't let us really have it.

I made a huge pile for the boys, but then saved a decent amount for myself.

"I smell pancakes!" I heard Lachie yell, followed by the loud thumping of his footsteps. He reached me, ruffling my hair, then taking a seat to pile up his plate.

It didn't take long for the rest of the boys to follow, Jaxon and Olli just as excited as Lachie.

"Morning baby." Said Hunt, wrapping his arms around my waist and hoisting me up onto his hip.

"Morning." I said. "Do you like it?" I asked eagerly, motioning to the array of pancakes and toppings.

"Yes. You're very sweet." He smiled, kissing my forehead. Everyone seemed to be in a pretty good mood today, which always meant I got away with more, even if it was just little things like a sugary breakfast.

Hunter sat down with the other boys and devoured them all in about 10 seconds. I also had mine, but I sneakily added a big scoop of vanilla ice cream to mine.

Once we were all done, I helped Olli load the dishwasher, since it was his turn, then Jaxon came back in. I smiled at him, then noticed he mischievous glint in his eye, and slowly began to back away. I scooted behind Olli, earning and glare, before he moved away.

"Noooo! Olli! You can't leave me here with him!" I whined, trying to follow him.

Key word in that sentence is trying.

I failed. Miserably.

Jaxon roughly grabbed me and lazily swung me over his shoulder.

"JAXON! YOU IDIOT!!! PUT ME DOWN!" I screeched, kicking like crazy, but he just kept walking.

It took me a while to figure out where he was going, but once I did my protesting just got worse.

He quickly stopped in his tracks and put me down, still holding onto me with an iron grip.

"What are you doing to me!" I yelled in his face, not able to contain my anger. He was ruining my happy day.

"You didn't really think you could get away with dating a boy, and kissing a boy, did you?" He asked, his smirk gradually getting wider.

"N-no." I stuttered, my eyes slowly widening in realisation. "No, No, no." I protested, trying to run away.

"Yes, yes, yes." He said, and with that he swung me back over his shoulder and went outside. I was still in my pyjamas, and they were short-sleeved, long pants, which meant I wasn't very warm either.

The cool breeze hit me like a storm, and I instantly felt Goosebumps appearing all over my body.

When we got to the edge of the pool I started screaming like a mad man.

"JAXON STOP! YOU CAN'T DO THIS, IT'S NOT FAIR!!!" I yelled, but he just laughed.

"Ready?" He asked, amusement coating his voice.

"NO! IT'S FREEZING! I'LL GET SICK!!" I protested, yet again to no avail.

Suddenly I was hit with a wave of icy water, and I quickly tried to surface. I took a big gasp when I got to the top, and I could feel my body temperature plummeting. Before I could take a second breath, another wave of water rushed at my face, causing me to splutter at the water I accidentally swallowed.

I turned to see that Jaxon had splashed me, then gone inside, so I hurriedly lifting myself out of the freezing cold water and searched for a towel.

Thankfully there was one sitting on a nearby chair, so I quickly wrapped myself up and tried to dry off, but I still stayed fairly wet.

Then I went inside, only to be met with Lachie and Olli, who burst out into fits of laughter at the sight of me soaking wet and shivering.

"Can either of you moron's get off your backside and help me!" I screeched at them.

Neither of them even reacted, so I repeated myself with even more anger in my tone.

"Fine, fine! Jesus Livi, no need to be rude. Although I'm not sure how impressed Hunter would be with your attitude right now." Said Olli, raising an eyebrow at me, as if he was suggesting a challenge.

"Who cares." I snapped at him, snatching the towel he was holding out for me from his hand.

"Thankyou." I snapped again. I know, I should be being nice. But manners are just something that get on my nerves, so I can't stand not saying please and thankyou.

I then left and went up to my room, where I took a really long shower. And when I say really, I mean so long that Hunter knocked on my door to check if I was okay.

Even after my shower I was still cold, so I got back into bed and watched Netflix for the rest of the day, as well as writing in my diary and finishing off a few bits of homework.

I got Hunter to bring me food throughout the day, and I went to sleep that night around 9:00pm. Early right?

My favourite Idiots ✔️Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα