98) At Least You Didn't Fall

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Finally, my name was called.

Olivia Miller for Academic Excellence.

I walked up the small stairs onto the stage and smiled as I shook the principal's hand and received my award.

"Well done." He nodded, smiling too.

"Thankyou." I graciously took my certificate and walked along the stage to join the end of the line. I was cautious in making sure I didn't fall over or trip or do anything to embarrass myself, which thankfully I didn't do. I made it to the line and stood, smiling and holding my award.

I wasn't up on stage for very long, since they did groups of people, rather than bringing all of the award winners up at once, so then I was able to go back down and take my seat.

The rest of the evening passed by fairly quickly. I wasn't too bored and thankfully none of the teachers spoke for too long. When we were finally able to leave, I couldn't find anyone anywhere. Everyone was trying to leave, and me being short meant I couldn't see over anyone's head. Noah was long gone and had messaged me apologising because we didn't see each other, but i didn't know where any of my brothers were. Lachie had disappeared from his spot, and I didn't know where Hunter and the other two had been sitting in the first place.

I tried calling them, but no one was answering since they had been on silent. I was starting panic and get hot, so I thought I would just go outside and wait for them to come out. After nearly everyone had left, I still hadn't seen any of the boys. By this point I had called each of them at least 10 times and they weren't answering me.

Finally, after nobody was left, Olli came out the building.

"What are you doing?" He exclaimed, clearly frustrated.

"I was waiting for you." I answered, nearly in tears. I thought they'd forgotten me. It wouldn't be the first time.

"Well we were waiting inside. Hunter!" He yelled back up the ginormous staircase. Hunter, Lachie and Olli came back downstairs with grumpy faces.

"Why didn't you stay inside?" Hunter asked seriously.

"I couldn't find you. I thought you'd come out." I said quietly. "Sorry."

"Its fine." He sighed. "Let's go get ice cream."

"At least you didn't fall on stage." Jaxon said to me as we got out the of the car. Everyone had cooled down and slowly the car ride became less tense.

"I was so scared." I let out a small laugh.

"Good job though. Not such a baby anymore, getting these big awards." He smirked.

"I'm not a baby at all." I poked my tongue out at him.

"Sure, baby."

I glared but followed him into the ice cream shop. They all got chocolate or a variation, but I got cookie dough and watermelon sorbet, in two separate cups because I didn't want them to mix together. Usually Hunter was a pain and wouldn't let me do that, but since he felt bad for being grumpy before, he actually allowed my fussiness for a change.

"I can't believe you chose those two flavours. Couldn't you have chosen ones that actually went together?" Olli groaned, watching as I started on the watermelon sorbet. The cookie dough ice cream was even better slightly melted.

"But I like these ones."

"Yeah but couldn't you have got ones that actually went together? Cookie dough and watermelon sorbet are total opposites." He continued.

"Well I'm special today so I'm allowed anything." I grinned.

"Not anything, baby." Jaxon added.

"Yeah, anything. Like if I asked Hunter to dye my hair pink, he would let me. Right Hunter?" I nudged him to get his attention away from his phone.

"What? Yeah, sure." He answered distractedly.

"Hunt!" Jaxon hissed.

"Huh?" Hunter looked back up.

"Put your phone away." I mumbled, snatching it and placing it gently on the table.

"What were you saying?" He rolled his eyes but turning all his attention to me.

"You said yes to dyeing her hair pink."

"Hell no, not a chance baby." He laughed.

"You said yes, too late." I giggled.

"No." He said seriously.

"Not permanent. It'll be fun!"

"No, baby. Your hair is fine as it is."

"See. Not anything." Jaxon laughed.

"Please!" I begged.

"Nope. Are you done yet?" He tried to change the subject. I quickly had the last scoop of my ice cream then chucked the cups in the bin. "Let's go."

We all piled back into the car and drove home. Tomorrow was the last day of school which meant we only went in for a class party and dismissal/Christmas assembly. Our class had decided to do a gift exchange but gender neutral. Hunter and I had gone and bought this marble travel game which looked fun and fitted the price range, so I was excited to get a gift for myself. I also needed to organise a shopping day to go and get my family Secret Santa present. Olli was going to love what I had planned for him.

Before we arrived back home, I sent a text to Noah asking if he wanted to go shopping the day after tomorrow. He didn't reply since it was late, but I knew he would in the morning.

"Get ready for bed Livi." Hunter instructed when we got inside.

"Hi Bailey!" I gushed when he came running up to greet us.

"Baby. It's late." Hunter growled.

"Fine." I nodded, also not in the mood to argue. I grabbed Bailey and went upstairs. I had a quick shower and did my teeth before getting into bed. Hunter was very strict on the fact Bailey wasn't allowed to sleep on my bed, but he had his own right next to me.

"All done?" Asked Jaxon, coming in to check on me. I nodded and he laid down next to me. "Good job baby, everyone's very proud." He kissed my forehead before getting up to leave. I grabbed onto his top and held on tight.

"Stay." I smiled.

"Really." He groaned but smiled. "Let me get changed." I figured he was going to go back to his room and grab clothes, but he just went straight into mine. "Surely there are clothes of mine in here. You always take them."

"Bottom drawer." I said.

"Thanks." He came out holding my favourite hoodie of his and some trackies.

"No not that one."

"What do you mean not this one? It's mine!"

"But that's my favourite." I gave grabby hands and he threw it to me, going back to get another. This time he chose a t-shirt instead. He started getting change right in front of me, not naked or anything, but he could have taken two more steps to go behind a wall.

"Ew!" I squealed.

"Just cover your eyes." Once he was done, he got back in bed with me, but not under the covers. "I'm just waiting until you fall asleep." He said.

"No. You have to stay until I wake up." He sighed but did what he was told.

"Goodnight." He kissed my cheek, turning off the light.

"Night Jaxy, love you."

"Love you too." He chuckled. 


Nearly at 100 chapters! What should I do to celebrate!?

Also, earlier update (since i have no school [corona]) and  also for @SassyGladiator

My favourite Idiots ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora