23) Braids + Punches

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*Livi's POV

I am honestly so shocked that Willow is here! Like, she literally just appeared entirely out of nowhere, and the only person who knew about it was Uncle Darren. That reminds me, I must interrogate him about this. 'NO SECRETS' is a big rule in my head. Of course, I keep secrets from my brothers, but they don't need to know that. This was actually important, and he didn't even tell us!

After Willow arrived earlier we just spent the afternoon chilling out. Most of us (well the boys) were still in shock, and Jayden didn't let Willow out of his sight, except for 2 minutes when she had to go to the bathroom, and her dad had to go with her because she needed help. I didn't really understand why she needed help but anyways. It was about 7, and Hunter just ordered take away; Thai of course. All of us were sitting around the TV, talking or engrossed in the show. I was on Jaxon's lap, and Willow was attached to Jayden. He hadn't lost this huge grin the entire time Willow has been here, which was crazy considering his face was usually stone cold and serious. I could see Willow slowly drifting off, I mean she had had a big day, and she was only 10.

Finally the Thai arrived, and I was first to dig into my satay chicken. Willow had the same thing but finished half then curled back up to Jayden. She was asleep in minutes, and the rest of us continued to talk for a while.

'Sorry to intervene, but I think we might need to put Willow to bed, if that's all good?' Suggested Uncle Darren, making Jayden frown. He was clearly not impressed, but Uncle Darren just gave him a pointed look. 'She needs to sleep in a bed, ON her OWN.' He added, emphasising some words.

'Fine, fine. I'll take her. Hunt, can you show us which room please?' Said Jayden, giving up angrily.

'Yeah sure, this way.' Hunt said, standing up.

'Then both of you come back. I have some explaining to do.' Said Uncle Darren, giving me the perfect opportunity to start my interrogating.

The boys and Willow left the room, and most of us just went back to watching the TV. I was kind of bored, and since I was on Jaxon's lap, I thought I would make myself less bored by using him.

'Jaxyyyy?' I smiled up at him, using my kindest voice possible.

'Yes babyyyy.' Jaxon replied, smirking and mocking my tone.

'Can I braid your hair? Pretty pleaseeeeee?' I begged, using my big puppy dog eyes. His smirk disappeared.

'NO.' He stated firmly.

'Please, please, please, with a cherry on top Jaxon!!!' I pleaded, now on my knees, still on his lap, looking him directly in the eyes.

'Those eyes do not work on me, so stop trying.' He shoved me back onto the couch beside him, and I huffed in annoyance. Stupid brothers. He chuckled at my grumpiness, so I began to look for other options. Jaxon had the longest hair, but Olli and Lachie had long hair too, so maybe they'll let me.

'Lachieeeeeee?' I begged.

'Nope, no way are you putting your tiny hands on my hair. Keep away.' He said denying any chance. I grumbled but regained my composure to try Olli.

'Olliiii, please?' I tried my hardest, but a smirk came onto his face.

'Sure.' He said. I jumped up from my seat and bolted over to him. Before I could plonk myself on the bit of couch behind him, since he was on the floor, he grabbed my wrist and yanked me back.

'What nowww?' I groaned rolling my eyes.

'DON'T ROLL YOUR EYES!' Interjected Jaxon. I just rolled them again and ignored him.

'You have to say something first.' Said Olli, his smirk still there. Surely it can't be that bad...right? 'You have to say, 'Olli is my favourite brother and I love him so, so much!' Said Olli, making my heart sink a little.

'I thought I'm not supposed to lie though?' I smirked back, wiping his clean off his face. I heard Lachie, Jaxon and even Uncle Darren chuckling behind me which satisfied me even more and made Olli angrier.

'You think your funny baby?' He growled, his eyes shooting daggers. 'We'll see how funny you think you are after this,' and with that he punched me directly in my hip. I let out a scream and fell to the ground. Tears immediately started spilling over onto my cheeks. Uncle Darren immediately came over to me and picked me up bridal style. I yelped a little when he touched my hip, but quickly moved.

'I don't think that was a very good idea Olli.' Said Uncle Darren, firmly. He rolled his eyes and went back to watching the TV. 'I'm not sure how happy Hunter is going to be about this.' I could see a tiny bit of fear course through his eyes, but not enough for me to forgive him. Not this time, especially because I'm still crying. I hate crying in front of my brothers, it makes me feel even smaller and weaker than I already am.

Uncle Darren walked me over to where Jaxon was sitting, but I didn't really want to sit with him. I buried my head further into his chest, hoping he'd get the hint. He did, but before he could move for me to sit with him, Jaxon reached out and took me from his arms. I remained stiff, not cuddling into him like I would usually do when I'm upset. He obviously noticed, and whispered into my ear,

'Damn right you don't lie. We all know who your favourite is around here.' This made me smile, but I still didn't snuggle up to him. Instead I continued rubbing my eyes, trying to stop the tears that were steadily flowing down my face. He sighed and again whispered, 'Maybeee, I'll let you braid my hair later.' That was all it took to convince me, and I immediately curled deep into his chest. Nobody could see my tears now. Except Jaxon could probably feel them, since I soaked his t-shirt.

About 5 minutes, Jayden and Hunter came back into the lounge room, and Hunt immediately noticed me upset and Olli angry. He sighed and said,

'What happened this time?'

Uncle Darren explained, and Olli lost his phone for 3 days. Score for me!

Then Uncle Darren began to explain, the entire story of his past few days from the very second his phone rang. 

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