26) Planning Stage

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*Jayden's POV

I honestly am still in complete shock that Willow is here. Gone for 5 years, reappeared and there isn't even a scratch on her. I do understand that she was 'tortured' in a different way, but still. I'm just really shocked. Of course I feel really bad for her about what happened, and mad at myself that I didn't and couldn't do anything about it, but when I'm with her, all those feelings just melt away. I just want to hold her in my arms forever, her tiny little head resting on my chest.

I don't think I can ever let her out of my sight again, and I have no idea what I'm going to do when she starts school. She's only in grade 5, and I'm in year 12. Totally different schools as well. And she's never even been to school before, so what's going to happen!

Dad did just tell everyone that we're going home to Adelaide on Monday, the day after Easter. Today is Friday, so that doesn't leave much time, but at least Willow is coming with me. I couldn't leave her here, even if I had to!

*Back to Livi's POV

Uncle Darren just reminded us that Easter is on Sunday, and today is Friday!

'YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!' I ran around the couch screaming. On my second lap, Jaxon stuck out his foot, so I tripped and went flying. I landed with a thud on my shoulder. It really hurt, but I knew it wasn't too bad, and my eyes were wet but not spilling over. I saw a foggy Hunter glare at Jaxon, then sigh and pick me up, placing me on his lap.

'I have bought eggs, who is bringing who?' Said Hunter. It's a tradition that we have an Easter 'party' where we invite our closest friends over in the afternoon and do some fun activities. We do a hunt and games.

'Dylan, Ethan and Luke' Said Jaxon.

'Mason.' Said Olli.

'Lucas and Sam' Said Lachie. They were his friends, both athletic and academic like him. I don't really know them since Lachie always goes to their house and never brings anyone here. Lachie and I aren't really close, since he gets frustrated with me really easily since he isn't too patient.

'I'm bringing Elliott and a few other of my mates from Uni. Livi?'

'Theo, Lexi, Mila, Noah and Hugh.' I said.

'Do you seriously have to bring all them?' Whined Jaxon. 'Especially the boys. Remind me again why we let you hang out with them?'

'Because, idiot...' Hunter slammed his hand over my moth before I could finish my sentence.

'No. Don't swear.' He said angrily. I grumbled and slammed my head back down on his chest. 'Make sure you text everyone the details. OH! I almost forgot! Eli's older brother is coming too.' Hunt added, making my stomach knot and twist.

'I don't have my phone if you remember taking it from me?' Said Olli sassily, rolling his eyes as he went.

'Then you'll just have to find another way then. You should have thought about that before you decided to punch your baby sister.'

'I am NOT a baby!' I interjected. I don't know why they couldn't get it into their heads. I was 13 and a half years old. Most certainly NOT a baby.

The boys all rolled their eyes at my comment, ignoring it entirely, then going back to chatting about sports. I stayed still on Hunters lap for about 15 minutes, then got bored so snuck off. Hunter didn't really care, so I went to the kitchen, grabbed a few snacks then went up to my room to messages my friends.

Livi – Hey Guys, remember our annual Easter event? This Sunday 2pm it is on with the usual activities! Can anyone make it?

Theo – Can't wait! I'm getting back from my little trip tomorrow. Just in time, wouldn't want to miss this!

Mila – Sounds fun Livi! What are the usual activities?

If I haven't mentioned it, since I met Mila at school she's become a new addition to our friendship group. Turns out she had classes with most of the others, so she slotted in easily. She's super chill and funny to hang out with, so she went with our crew super easily.

Hugh – Oh Mila you will not want to miss it. The activities are the best, of course, I will be there!

Livi – Why of course Hugh, didn't think you wouldn't come along, you're the life of the party after all!

I was clearly being sarcastic and mocking his flamboyant ways. In case I forgot to say it, Hugh is gay. And he aspires to be just like James Charles. He's so good, that whenever we have a party or event where we want good makeup (and I am allowed to wear it, ugh!), all us girls beg him to do it, and he happily agrees.

Livi – The activities are a range of things. All the people who come are my friends and my brothers' friends, and this year 2 of my cousins and my uncle will be here too. We have an egg hunt, loads of competitions and food. It's always really fun anyway.

Noah – Yeah, I'll be there.

Bland, like usual. Noah is bound to be one of the 'cool kids', but he absolutely hates one of the boys there, and has been good friends with Hugh since they were born, so he hangs out with us. No kidding, I love him dearly, but come on Noah. Lighten up a little! Why always so gruff and dull?

Last person left is Lexi, and I know she'll come. She always does.

I stayed up in my room, munching on the chips I stole from the kitchen and binging Netflix, then Willow appeared. She asked to watch with me, and I of course said yes. I did have to explain the whole show to her, but I was re-watching, so I wasn't that far in anyway. It took her a while to understand why 3 adult men lived with 3 child girls, considering only one was their father but she soon understood, and ended up enjoying the show a lot.



Sorry for the boring chapter, next chapter is the Easter Party, and I promise to have some drama in that! I already know what's going to happen. Xx


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