74) You're Not As Pretty As Me

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I was getting breakfast when two muscly arms wrapped themselves around my shoulders.

"Morning-." I looked up to see a face I hadn't seen in a while. I thought it was Jaxon.

"Morning baby." Hunter said as he kissed the top of my head and moved to make coffee.

I raised my eyebrows but ignored it. Maybe that was what Jaxon did last night. Just as I pulled my toast out of the toaster he went into the pantry and came out holding my most favourite food in the whole entire world. Nutella.

"I'm sorry. I would never hate you. Ever." He whispered, giving me a hug and kissing my cheek.

"Thankyou!" I squealed, hugging him tight. He laughed.

"Not too much Nutella though."

"Okay." I rolled my eyes, smirking.

"You look like Jaxon when you do that."

"EWWWWWW!" I screamed, wildly shaking my head, causing him to start laughing.

"What's so gross?" Jaxon asked, sleepily walking into the kitchen.

"Hunter said I look like you! That's disgusting!" I exclaimed.

"No way! You're not as pretty as me." He said, causing Hunter to start laughing again. I stuck my tongue out at him before turning around to grab a knife. I turned back to put the Nutella on my toast and found Jaxon sticking his big finger into the tub and taking a massive scoop, shovelling it straight into his mouth.

"JAXON!" I yelled, snatching it away.

"It's not yours."

"Yes, it is!"

"It is hers." Said Hunter. "Get your own Jaxon."

"Fine." He sneered and rolled his eyes, going into the pantry to get cereal.

"So what do guys want to do today?" asked Hunter.

"Let's go to the snow!" Lots of my friends have been going up each weekend and I was desperate to go skiing.

"I don't think so Livi. Any other ideas?" Hunt smirked.

"There's a new mini golf place that just opened. It isn't too far from here." Jaxon suggested.

"Sure. Let's go there." Hunter nodded.

"I can't win at that!" I exclaimed with a mouth full of chocolatey toast.

"Gross Livi." Jaxon said, making a face. "That's exactly the point."

We got ready and headed off to the mini golf place. It wasn't too far, just like Jaxon said, and the weather was really nice. Clearly spring was coming soon, meaning it was also my birthday soon.

"Look!" Jaxon said, pointing out the window. There was a massive golf ball with a smiley face on it on the top of an archway.

Hunter managed to find a park across the road from the place, on a strip with heaps of clothing stores and coffee shops. I noticed a Decjuba and was desperate to go in, but apparently, we weren't here to shop.

"I'm going to get coffee, and then we can go in." Said Hunter.

"I want one too!" I added.

"You want coffee? I don't think so." He chuckled, Jaxon joining in. He drank coffee too, but not very often.

"No! I'll have a hot chocolate with marshmallows please. Also, coffee is gross." I said, getting out of the car.

"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded. "Okay."

My favourite Idiots ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora