34) Gaming

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"I'm sorry." He said genuinely. "I'm sorry for teasing. And being mean. And making you feel like you can't dance, even though it's what you love." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My brother Jaxon, apologising to me. Actually, apologising at all! "I'm such a terrible brother." He mumbled, not intended for me to hear.

I shuffled closer to him, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Only sometimes." I chuckled, making him smile.

"Just because I said sorry doesn't mean I'll stop you know." He smirked. Yeah, normal Jaxon was back.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. "At least I know you looovveee me."

"I never said that part." I looked up at him and glared. "But it might be true." He teased, making my smile return. He grabbed my waist and spun me onto his lap. "I do love you. Never forget that." He whispered.


"Now, when do I get to see you dance?"

"How about...never!" I yelled, standing up and running away.

"Hey! Get back here!" He yelled, running after me.

I got to the start of the pier and stopped, trying to catch my breath. Jaxon arrived not even a few seconds later and threw me over his shoulder. He started spinning around, me begging him to put me down. Eventually he did, then we both collapsed on the sand.

"We should probably go home." Jaxon said after a few minutes of my heavy breathing.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"7." Oops. We've been gone for 3 hours. Time really does fly when you're enjoying yourself.

"Okay let's go." I replied, standing up and dusting myself off.

When we got back, Eli was making dinner, and the other 2 were playing a game on the Xbox. Jaxon obviously wanted to play, but since our little trip I was being clingy to him, so instead of helping Eli or going to do something by myself, I sat in his lap whilst he played. I didn't understand the game at all, and my ears hurt from all their yelling through the mic, but it was nice he let me anyway.

"Baby, I know you want to stay but I can't play this game with you on my lap." Whispered Jaxon in my ear, noticing they had switched Fortnite for Dirt Rally 2.0, which was car racing. I groaned but stayed put. He quickly understood that I wasn't moving, so he just stood up from his spot on the floor, sending me tumbling to the ground. (A/N gaming room up top^^) Him, Lachie and Olli all burst out laughing whilst I rubbed my back and glared at them. Once they regained their composure, they went straight back to their game, completely ignoring me. I got the hint for me to leave, so went to see Eli.

"Smells so good!!!!!" I announced when I walked into the kitchen, going to hug him from behind. He smiled and hugged me back.

"You okay now?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just didn't want Hunter to leave." I sighed, taking a seat at the counter.

"Don't worry. He'll be back in a week; the time will fly." He assured me. "But I do have one thing to talk to you about."

"What?" I asked. Please don't make this week any worse than it already is.

"This coming weekend is your skill dance show. Remember? Hunter forwarded me the email with all the information about an hour ago." Damn it. I had not payed that much attention when Coach Abigail was explaining that because I was too focussed on the fact Jaxon had just seen me. I do recall her saying it was this Saturday though. "Hunter won't be here for it. But of course I'm coming! Except we need to work out what to do with those other Miller's we call your brothers." Eli smiled. I groaned and dropped my head into my hands, making him laugh. "You'll be fine. What should we tell them?"

"I dunno." I grumbled.

"How about...You're going to the movies with Theo and I'm going to watch a movie at the same time with some of my friends? That should buy us enough time." Suggested Eli.

"Yeah, sounds good." I perked up, liking the idea. "You know, you're not as stupid you look." I remarked, even though that was far from the truth. Eli graduated top of his class along with Hunter in high school and is currently in his first year as a Mechanical Engineer. For Qantas; the third oldest airline in the world, and the biggest airline in Australia.

"RUDE!" He exclaimed, holding his hand over his heart, faking hurt.

We had Lasagne for dinner, which I might say was amazing. Eli was also a really, really good cook, and the one who taught Hunter when my parents first passed away. I missed eating Eli's meals, I haven't had him cook for us in forever!

After dinner, we all sat around in the lounge room talking about our upcoming week. Hunter was getting back late on Sunday afternoon. The boys had footy around lunch on the same day, but that would be finished before he got back, meaning everyone has to go to that. I have a netball game at 10am on Saturday morning, then I have my dance mid-season show case at 2pm. The rest of the week is normal, except Dylan is sleeping over one night because his parents are going away for that day and Hunter had already said he could stay here.

"Can we watch something? This show's really boring." Complained Lachie.

"Yeah sure. Everyone suggests something."  Said Eli, who I was sitting next to.

"Iron Man." Said Lachie, straight off.

"Dumb and Dumber," Suggested Olli.

"Suspiria!" shouted Jaxon.

"Not horror. It's a school night and I want Livi to actually sleep." Eli said with a shake of his head. "Choose again."

"Fine. If the baby can't handle it, then I pick Mission impossible. That's not horror." Said Jaxon.


"The kissing booth." I mumbled sheepishly.

"Sure. Everyone pick one that isn't your own." Said Eli.

Olli chose Iron Man, Lachie chose Dumb and Dumber like me, Eli chose mine to make me happy and Jaxon chose Dumb and Dumber as well. I never win.

My favourite Idiots ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt