94) One Way to Start December

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"When are they coming back?" I asked Lachie again as he tucked me up in a blanket.

"I don't know baby. Stop thinking about it." He said gently, going to get my water bottle from the kitchen bench. "Here." He handed it to me.

I took a long sip since my throat was so dry and scratchy from my crying so much. Lachie took a seat down next to me, but it wasn't close enough for my liking, so I shuffled over and climbed into his lap.

"Really?" He glared, but I only frowned in return. He sighed and wrapped his arms around me, letting me lay my head on his shoulder. He wasn't as comfy as the other boys because he was a lot skinnier and his shoulders were much bonier.

"Are they going to come home soon?" I asked quietly, basically thinking aloud.

"You know I can't answer that so stop asking baby." He rubbed my back, so I began to focus on the TV. My interest started to waver after only thirty seconds, since it was some car racing show, and my mind kept going back to being outside.

"Get locked out pretty one?"

"I won't hurt you. Why don't you just come play with us for a bit?"

I didn't notice when small tears started falling onto Lachie's shirt, but I did feel it when his hand brushed across my face.

"You're okay." He whispered, kissing my forehead. Just then the front door opened, and Jaxon, Olli and Hunter rushed in. Olli was last since he obviously stopped to shut and lock the door behind them.

"Baby." Jaxon grabbed me from Lachie and held me tight. I couldn't help noticing the bruises on his face and the same on Hunters. I couldn't help starting to cry again and within seconds I was back to full on sobbing. "Shhhh, baby, you're safe, it's okay."

"Are you okay?" I asked him through my own sobs, clinging on tightly.

"I'm fine." He rubbed my back. It wasn't like Jaxon to be so comforting.

"Go get an ice pack for your head Jaxon." Hunter instructed, trying to peel me off him. I noticed the bump on top of his head, then let out a loud gasp.

"I'm fine." He mumbled, barely listening to me as he sat me back on the couch. I had forgotten about my own fears but was now only concerned for my brothers. I had regained my confidence and instantly jumped up and rushed in front of Jaxon to get to the freezer.

"Go and sit down, baby." He grumbled, but I continued on and ignored him. I grabbed the ice pack and some paper towel and dragged him back over to the couch where I made him sit. He was giving me icy looks but let me do it anyway.

I then raced back to the freezer and did the same for two more ice packs which I then gave to Olli and Hunter. Olli didn't really need one, but I gave him one anyway.

"Sit down, Baby." Hunter sighed.


"We need to talk." He said gently, being cautious about his tone for the time being. It was understandable in the circumstance, since he'd usually be much firmer.

"Okay." I said quietly, instantly sitting down on the floor, not even moving from where I was standing in front of Jaxon.

"You didn't need to sit on the floor." Jaxon huffed, picking me up and holding me tight. He was actually being kind of clingy which was new. I certainly wasn't complaining.

"New rules are in place from now on. Livi is not allowed to go anywhere without one of us going with her, unless she's with a friend, in which case we have no control over that. You can go in our backyard on your own, but not out the front, okay?" He raised an eyebrow and I nodded. It wouldn't have made a difference whether I fought him or not, but I didn't want to argue. I actually didn't care at the moment. Everyone sighed and relaxed in their spots, thinking to themselves about the evening's events.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I whispered aloud.

"We're fine baby." Jaxon whispered back, kissing my forehead just like Lachie had done earlier. "You're okay too."

I relaxed and began to feel my eyelids getting heavier, so I slowly let myself fall asleep.

Certainly one way to start December.

When I woke up a few hours later, I was still in Jaxon's arms, but in his bed, rather than on the couch.

I gently lifted his arm and crawled out of the bed.

"Baby?" He gasped, sleepily jumping up.

"Shhhh." I jumped as he gave me a fright. "I'm just going to the bathroom."

"Okay." He nodded, laying back down and closing his eyes. I quickly went to the bathroom and realised I'd started again.

I had to quickly creep out of Jaxon's room, go to mine, change quickly, then find something to wear, which happened to be his t-shirt, then crawl back into his room. Thankfully I didn't run into any of the other boys whilst walking between rooms, so it was easy.

"What took you so long?" He asked groggily, lifting up his arm and the covers for me to get in.

"I was quick."

"No, you weren't baby."

"It doesn't matter." I mumbled, tucking in close.

"Go back to sleep." He whispered, gently brushing the hair out of my face. "And I expect my t-shirt back in the morning too."

"It's mine now." I giggled.

"It most certainly is not. Now go to sleep." He shushed me, laying his head back down next to mine.

"I love you Jax."

"Love you too baby but go to sleep." He chuckled. I closed my eyes once more and let myself fall into a comfortable sleep. I was exhausted. The last thing I felt before falling asleep was another gentle kiss from Jaxon and his voice saying, "Sleep well bubs." 



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