102) Christmas Eve

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 The next few weeks passed by in a blur. I wrapped presents and prepared food that we would have on Christmas day. We visited Eli and Harvey a lot and they came and visited us. The weather was perfect for swimming and the weather was hot too. Soon enough, it was Christmas eve.

"Excited Livi?" Hunter asked, as he put my cookies in the oven. I had to clean everything up.

"Is that even a question. And Bali!!" I exclaimed. We had packed all our bags but were waiting to pack them into the car, just in case there was something we got for Christmas that we wanted to take.

"I'm excited too. Uncle Darren is going to meet us at the front of the hotel. It'll be after midnight when we get there and it's about a two-hour drive to where we're staying."

"We're not staying at the same hotel the whole time though, right?"

"Yeah, we'll take the same car with Uncle Darren, Willow and Jayden back to the airport, but we won't go through the airport but instead get a taxi to our other hotel which is close to Waterbom park."

"I'm so excited! I've done so much research and looked at all the different things we can do there. They have so much ice cream and food and even have ice cream sandwiches!"

"I know, I've seen your PowerPoint." Hunter laughed.

"Are you actually going to go on any of the slides though?" Jaxon asked, waltzing into the kitchen and interrupting my conversation.

"I might." I huffed, annoyed.

"You're such a baby. You're going to be too scared to go on anything." He smirked. I decided that I would be the bigger person and not argue, so instead I just ignored him and continued putting things away.


"What do you want?" He eyed me suspiciously.

"How'd you know I was asking something."

"That voice. What?"

"Can I go over to Noah's house to say merry Christmas and meet his cousins tomorrow? He asked since I'm not going to see him for like a week."

"Livi's got a boyfriend!" Lachie taunted from the lounge. They never seemed to listen when I wanted to tell them something yet never failed to hear the things they weren't meant to hear.

"I don't know Livi." Hunter considered it.

"I do. No."

"No one asked you Jaxon." I snapped.

"Ay, Livi. Rude." Hunter growled. "It's Christmas. Don't you want to spend it with us?"

"Yes, of course. But we're going to be on the plane with each other for like five hours and we'll be at the airport for three before that and in a car for three after it! And I know that I'm not going to sleep."

"We'll see about that. I doubt you'll be able to stay awake for the first hour." Jaxon scoffed.

"Is that a challenge?"

"Maybe." He smirked. That damn face.

Now I really had to stay awake.

"I'll think about it." Hunter told me.

"Can you let me know by dinner? Thankyou, bye." I grinned, bolting out of the kitchen to go find something else to do.

"That little sneak." He mumbled as I left.

I went outside and played with Bailey but quickly got bored. Then, I started thinking and planning my next week, when I realised, I hadn't thought about who would take care of Bailey.

"Hunter! Hunter!" I ran inside, yelling.

"What!?" He hurried out of his office in a panic.

"Who's taking care of Bailey whilst we're gone!?"

"My gosh, Livi. Don't do that!" He glared. "I thought it was something serious!"

"This is serious!"

"He's staying with Eli and Harvey, chill." Olli told me, walking past and pulling my hair. I don't understand why when they're near me, they feel the need to do something irritating.

"Didn't I tell you that?" Hunter asked.

"No, you didn't." I huffed. I panicked for nothing because of him.

He apologised and helped me get the cookies out of the oven.

I spent the rest of the afternoon meticulously decorating the cookies. Some of them were saved for us, but I put a few aside for Noah and the rest were to give to Bec, Richard, Eli and Harvey. We had a classic Australian summer barbeque for dinner and swam which was always fun. These were the nights that I enjoyed and remembered. Memories to last a lifetime.

Once dinner was finished and we'd all decided we'd had enough swimming and wanted to go inside, we retreated to the lounge room and started downloading movies and shows off of Netflix to watch on the plane. Hunter said I wasn't allowed to watch on the plane, so I got to download something for me on each of the boy's devices so that they could share with each other and I could watch something whilst they weren't using that device.

"You're not allowed to watch that." Olli made a very clear point when I tried to download The Notebook.

"What is it?" Jaxon asked being nosy.

"Doesn't matter. I'll choose something else."

"Olli, what was it."

"The notebook."

"Eh, it isn't any good anyway."

"You've seen it?" I asked, and he nodded. "You've seen the notebook?"

"Yes, and you're not allowed to watch it." He poked his tongue out.

"I'm not 10 anymore, you know. I know about this stuff." I told them, trying to be grown up. They all smiled and chuckled whilst I glared.

"Livi, it's not because we think you don't know about this stuff, it's just because it isn't necessary for you to watch it now. It's not an accurate representation of...it."

"Of what?"

"Nevermind. You can watch it with your friends when you're older." That gave me enough satisfaction for the mean time, so I picked Grease instead.

When Hunter let me download something on his laptop, I whispered and asked him if I could go to Noahs.

"Yeah, but just for an hour, okay?"

"Thankyou!" I squealed quietly.

"I'll drive you and pick you up."

Let me know what you think of the update! I finally had the time and motivation to write! 

Vote and follow! @sydnie6624   

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