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My eyes slowly flutter open, being met with a dark room that is the only thing I can see.

Seeing the wood ceiling of the tree house, I move my head slightly to the left and my eyes are met with a sleepy Yoongi. His arms are crossed together as he leans his entire body into the baby blue bean bag, I realized he may have laid me down to sleep on his lap after feeling sleepy due to all the crying.

I remove my eyes from him and look at the window to see it was now night so I carefully move from his warm lap and properly sit in the baby pink bean bag as my eyes land onto his sleeping figure.

I let out a sigh as my eyes scan his face, his snow white face. The corner of my lips moved slightly upwards as I see a bit of his blonde hair right on top of his beautiful soft eyelids, slightly curled with his slightly long lashes.

I move slightly closer to him, careful not to touch nor make any sounds and carefully move the blonde strand away from his closed eyes.


I let out a silent sigh as I decide to let him rest and leave him feeling bad that he had to put up with me crying and him comforting me while opening the wooden door quietly, the wooden door creaks a bit, making me quickly look behind me to see him still sleeping but see that he didn't wake up, I close it with genleness.

Once I'm fully outside, I inhale deeply as I'm met a warm fresh breeze dance in the air, leaves from the trees of the forest slightly dancing with the wind. I quietly make my way to the side of the tree house and lean most of my weight on the thick wooden railing as my eyes take in the midnight blue sky that had some stars shining and twinkling a bit in the dark night.

Suddenly I feel myself thinking about my fathers words and how the little me felt in that moment, despite that, questions begun to rise in my head.

Why did I always find comfort in the forest when it could've dangerous for me here and scary?

What happened between my biological parents?

Why did I forget everything as it seems like that whatever happened in the past has left an impact on me?

How did I create Yoongi and when or why was he created in the first place?

Why did I even forget about him if I have created him?

What is he?

All these questions were filling my once calmed mind, slowly filling it with exhaustion and suffocation and the most, curiousity. I sigh loudly as I lower my head down a bit, closing my eyes. After a few seconds, my closed eyes see a light replace my dark vision so I open my eyes and was in awe with the view in front of me.

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