Horror game scenario!

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Characters include: Fuwa, Muramatsu, Yoshida, Terasaka, Itona, Kirara, Justice, Chiba, and Hayami.

Request: Them with reader who plays a lot of horror games?


Fuwa is more into mystery, or roleplaying games. She's not one for horror all the time so she probably won't watch but once in a while she will, and she'll definitely jump at the jump scares, maybe even clinging onto you for 'safety.'


He's hung around Kirara a lot, so that makes him even more jumpy than before he met her. He usually tries to stay away whenever you play, just so he doesn't have to see it and reveal his fear. He says it's because those games are dumb but you know the truth.


Like Muramatsu he was also exposed to Kirara, however he took a better liking to it.  He'll still try to avoid it for a while but would give in if you kept asking.


No. Just no. He act tough but he hates horror so much.


Yes! He would watch you play and give you hints to the ending or keep an eye on parts you can't at that moment, 10/10 you beat a lot of games bc of him and ur awesome skills of course.


Those games? They're hers now. Good luck playing bc she pretty much hogs it.


This fast boi would sprint away from those games. He's not one for horror but he does like adrenaline so he like that you play them but also doesn't at the same time?? He's prolly bi polar.


He enjoys watching you after he finishes things, like homework or practice or chores, things like that. He tries to enjoy what you do.


She doesn't really react. To any of it, not the jump scares or the long waiting play kinda horror she's just cool like that.

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