Sousuke Sugaya X Reader. Puppets.

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*3rd POV*

(Y/N) loves puppets. LIKE SERIOUSLY, THEY HAVE AN ENTIRE ROOM FILLED WITH PUPPETS THEY'VE COLLECTED OVER THEIR YEARS! Their parents only buy them puppets from other countries as presents, so they support it.

They want her to become a vantriliquist and a puppeteer. This was also their dream so it worked out. A cirtain someone found that very attractive. He thought it was cute.

*Your POV*

It was lunch time and I was sitting under my usual tree. Playing with my two favorite puppets from Norway and Russia.

Nobody really noticed me. I was just there for decoration. A background character. I didn't mind. I do have one friend. Though, he likes to hang out with is other friends more than me. Maybe it's because I use pet names on him. Whatever.

I felt a presence sit next to me. I didn't bother to look up, because my eyes were glued to my puppets. Then they started to play with me. I smiled. Nobody has played with me with puppets before. They think it's creepy.

It was Sugaya , I knew it. He did have some, but never has he ever played with me.

He tapped my shoulder, so I looked at him. He had a smile. The smile that melted my heart. Not many words were passed through us. It was always a comfortable silence.

He held out his hand with a puppet that held a note.

For: (Y/N)
Read the inside, then maybe give me an answer.

This is how he always tell me something important. He made all of them, all of the puppets he gave me were in my room. I have three, including this one. I grabbed the toy. Then he ran off.

I took the note and opened it.

Sooooo, I finally gathered the courage to give this to you... Basically I just wanted to say I love you. Would you go out with me?

My eyes slightly widened. No way!

I looked in his direction and yelled at him. Because I'm to lazy to stand up and walk over to him.

"OF COURSE DUMBASS! MEET ME BY THE SCHOOL GATE AFTER SCHOOL!" Yeah earlier I ment to think I swear at him. Not 'pet names'.

I got the attention of everyone around, but it doesn't really matter.

I'm just so happy now. I think this is my favorite puppet now.


7 years after that day. I still remember it vividly. I couldn't help but smile.

I looked over to where he should be. He wasn't. I got confused. Until I noticed that he left a puppet with another note.

"Dumbass." I whispered to myself. I grabbed it and started to read the note.

I know I can't control you, because you aren't a puppet. But it would mean everything to me if you loved me enough to marry me. So,

Will you marry me?

I started to cry tears. They were happy tears. Just like that day, I yelled because I couldn't be bothered to find him.

"YES! YES YOU DUMBASS!!! NOW COME OUT OF HIDING SO I CAN KISS YOU!" Didn't mean to say that last part but why not.

He came out of hiding to hold me and give me kisses.

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