Justice X Reader. Mornings.

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Title: Mornings.

This is in the future.

*3rd POV*

Justice woke up to an empty bed in the morning. He was confused, but sluggish and comfy. So he lazily 'yelled' out:

"(Y/N)? Where are you?"

He didn't expect an answer. And one never came. So, naturally he dragged himself out of bed to look for his lovely spouse. Right after going to the bathroom, washing his hands afterwards. Then going down to the living room in search for his Loving, Fabulous, and Warm lover. Only to be met with cold floors and a depressing TV just gathering dust. He'd have to make sure to watch movies with (Y/N) later. Again dragging his feet, he goes to the kitchen. And there they are, munching on a pop tart in the dark. It was obvious they were tired, judging from the baggy eyes they couldn't get rid of slowly closing their eyes, only to be jolted open in a desperate attempt to stay awake.

"Hey (Y/N). Why are you up? It's our day off, let's go back to bed."

"I'm eating. And it's only 10AM."

"Okay then I'm going to sleep on you."
Justice began to walk forward and the plopped himself into (Y/N)'s lap, almost immediately falling asleep.

"Hehe, goodnight love." In response he just sleepily nuzzles his head farther into your shoulder.

Okay so I've noticed that instead of 3rd POV most of the time I end up going 2nd POV, something my previous English teachers struggle with. Sucks to be them.

Anyways, I hope you liked this short little oneshot, and have a good day/night.
Also, I've had this done for a month. I forgot to publish it.

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