Chiba X Reader. Car date.

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Oof, I haven't posted in a long time. I have no excuse, other than procrastinating. Hhhhhhhh- anyways here you go!

Yall are like 19-20 in this.

*Your POV*

It was no secret that Chiba was reserved, but somehow I managed to break that barrier. Rinka did do it first though.... she would be a better pair I mean just look at them..

Wait, no negative thinking. They're just friends and you have a date to prepare for (Y/N)! You planned this for two weeks, and it's your turn to wow him now!

I ran to my room after that tiny pep talk in my kitchen, and put on a cute outfit that made me feel confident. I put on only a little bit of makeup, not to over do it but also enough to say I put in an effort to look pretty. I slipped on my shoes and walked to my car.

I picked him up from his house. He was wearing converse, jeans, a T-shirt with a picture of Joker from Persona 5, a golden chain necklace to match his single earring, and a beanie. He looked really hot!

"Heya hot stuff~ got any plans?" He scoffed at my remark and got in the passenger seat. And don't even think for a moment I didn't catch the tiny blush plastered on his cheeks.

"So where are we going?" He asked, breaking the comfortable silence after a few minutes of me driving.

"You'll see." I said quickly looking over to give him a teasing wink and smirk. His cheeks lit up again. God I could never get enough of that. Besides, we were almost there.

We showed up to a restaurant after 6 more minutes of driving and light conversation between us.

He quickly got out and ran over to open the door for me.
"Oh? What a gentlemen~" I cooed.

"The ikemen isn't the only one." He replied rather quickly, as if he planned it all out. I let out a tiny giggle at the thought and took his hand to walk inside.

We talked to the Valé for a while before we were seated in the spot I reserved for us. It wasn't to fancy, definitely good, but laid back enough to wear casual clothing so we didn't feel misplaced. I was paid a few days ago. It took so much self control to not buy everything I wanted, but it's worth it to spoil my love.

We ordered and chatted for a while before the food came. We ate while still maintaining conversation.

He tried to pay, but I refused to let him. It was my turn to shower him with affection and there's no way I'd let him pay. We left, leaving a $20 tip as the lady who served us was really sweet and attentive.

It was dusk, and I drove us to a nice place in the forest we like to visit often. Don't worry, there were paths and trails for people and cars. I put it in reverse and backed up on the peak of the cliff.

"What're you doing?"

"Hush I'm almost done!" I finished parking and popped the trunk open. I went back there and set up the blankets and pillows I had tossed in for comfort, and plugged in string lights to a battery that would last a while. They were dim, it looked really pretty if I do say so myself, and I do.  I looked over to him and gave him a great big smile as I crawled in and patted the spot next to me. He smiled slightly and joined me.

He grabbed a hold of me and kissed the top of my head. As I was laying on his chest, looking at the stars through the opening of the car he spoke up.

"This is wonderful. Where did you get the idea?"

"Just thought it would be nice and peaceful." I picked myself up a bit so that I could kiss him. Just like magic he kissed me back immediately. I smiled into the cute and innocent kiss then pulled away, much to both of our dismay. I leaned my forehead on his and closed my eyes once again. I couldn't be happier than in this moment.

"I love you." He whispered. I was a little shocked. This was the first time he said it first in the 7 months you two have been dating.

"I love you too, my little emo Prince." I flicked his nose while say the last part. He noticeably smiled at me and kissed my forehead.
"You're blushing Ryo~" He turned his head to the side with a very tsundere sounding 'No I'm not dummy'. I smiled and kissed his cheek before snuggling back into his chest with a little 'mhm' shot back at him. He wrapped his arms around me, and eventually we both drifted of to a blissful slumber.

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