Asano X Reader

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Requested by: LitttleMissOreo
Bruh this complete douche of a man is hard to write for lol.

"Hey baaaaaabe???" You groaned from the kitchen of his house.

His blushing face popped around the corner. "Don't call me that." He deadpanned. "But what do you want?" He asked looking away.

"Nothing!" You giggle as he looks at you with a dead face.


"Seriously. Now shoo i have no use for you as of right now." You said scooting your hand in the air.

"Oh no~ not after that~" he begins approaching you with his hands up in a threatening to tickle you way.

"DON'T YOU DARE ASANO!" He pouted.

"Gakashuu. I don't care if you shorten it but call me by my first name!"

"Ah right sorry Shuu. I love you!" You smile and open your arms for a hug. He gladly took the hug.

"Love you too, doofus." He grinned before moving his hands from your back to your sides before aggressively tickling you.

"HAHAHHHAAHA OKAY OKAAHHAHAHH OKAY! I'LL SPILL!" You laugh out and he stops so he can hear you. You grab his slightly blushing face and kiss him. He instantly kissed back and being the man he was tried to make it go a little further. You hit his chest playfully and pulled away.

"So it turns out Ren's getting married. To (random chick or your best friend if you want lol Idk)

"I know. He wants me to be the best man. You didn't really think he would tell you before he told me?" You gasped.


"Well it is his wedding so he should be the obe to talk about it..." He sweat dropped. You pouted.

"YEAH but still...." He sighed and his face went red.

"Tell you what, we've been together for 4 years now and... And you can tell everyone about ours?" He pulled out a box and got on one knee. "I love you so much and I would be honored if you'd marry me?" He said looking you in the eyes as you teared up with joy. You tackled him into a hug.

"YES! Oh Gakashuu I love you sooooo so so so much!" You grinned and kissed his cheek before parting so he could slip the ring on your finger.

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