Yoshida X Reader.

133 3 2

Requested by: LitttleMissOreo

You let go of the sides of the rink to soar on top of the ice. It was amazing everytime! The icy air, the cold nose and fluffy ear muffs, the perfect balance, the twists and spins, holding hands with Yoshida whenever he was about to fall, all of just so amazing! You were on another ice rink date with the motorcycle fanatic himself. He'd bring you here lots because he loved the way your eyes lit up and shined whenever you'd do a trick and ask if he saw it. But he always did, he couldn't keep his eyes off of you.

You did a triple air spin and looked at him while you skated backwards and lead yourself to a figure 8 and a leap followed to spin. Then skated over to him and grabbed his hand.

"Did 'ja see me? Cool right?" You smiled and made him go a little faster.

"Yeah! You did great!" He smiled and kept up with the pace you were setting.

"Yay! Thank you!" You slightly blushed but with the cold temperature to keep the ice he couldn't quite tell.

"Gonna do another one?" He asked and your face lit up.

"Only if you watch!" You grin and he nods, so you take off at and even faster pace before looping back slightly and spinning before jumping mid spin. You spun in the air, less than before but still going before landing it and skating around him with various poses and tricks to impress him.
"So what do you think?" You smile and keep circling him.

"Very nice!" He smiled. If his friends saw him being as soft as he is with you he'd surely be teased for YEARS. But either way he still would. He loved you and didn't want to scare you off with a delinquent like demeanor. He loved you more than his ego.

You smiled and went up behind him and gave him a hug. "I'm kinda hungry. Wanna stop by a fast food place later?" You ask.

"Of course! I'll pay."

"No! My idea my money!"

"Are we gonna do this again? We do this every time!"

"So? If that's what it takes! Besides I make more than you so I should pay!"

"You always pay! It's my turn!"

"No! Shut up I'm paying again!" You laugh and he shuts up, not wanting to get on your bad side yet again. He had done it a couple times before and hated the two hours of silence mixed with angry eating. You flutter around the rink with pleasing movements for a while longer before you heat his stomach growl.

"Guess it's time for food?" You suggest and he nods along following you to the exit. You turn in the skates and walk out hand in hand.
"Love you."

"Woah what brought that on?" He asked looking away in fear you'll see how red his face is.

"Nothing in particular just felt like saying it." You shrug. "But I do mean it. I love you." You repeat.

"I love you too." He mumbles as you two walk to the fast food place.

After like 7 minutes of walking in the 30°F weather you both slipped inside. You waited in line for a hot second and ordered what you both wanted. He let you pay swearing to himself he'd do it next time. Though he knew he was lying to himself.

With you each eating your food and in between bites you'd chat it was a great time.

"So like if you could bring one thing with you to an island what would it be?" You asked him.

"As partial I am to my motorcycle I'd have to say a machete knife. I can make newer tools with it easier and gather food easier too. I know how to build a basic shelter and set traps so I'd be good with just that. What about you?"

"A house with all the bearings. I could not live without it. I'm pathetic compared to you." You slouch and pout, still munching away at your food.

"Aww don't say that~"

"But it's true!"

"While yes, I am great, you so are too! I just need to show you some of what I know so just in case you won't be totally helpless." He grinned.

"It's a date!" You excitedly say sitting back up. You finished your food and took care of your trash before stepping out of the joint. "Where to now?" You ask tilting your head as you looked at him with an innocent and questioning look. He blushed.

"Back to my place. I wanna show you what I've done with my bike!" He smiled and grabbed your hand walking in the direction to his house.

"Okay. Well fill me in on the way there so we can go for a ride sooner?" You suggest and he smiled and began talking about it. A good 16 minute walk later and the two of you arrived. He had stopped talking about it about 11 minutes into the walk but you two had no issue filling the air with chit chat.

"Alright so ready to take her for a spin?" He asked and you nodded. You had gotten over your small fear of riding and grabbed a helmet. You tossed him his helmet and he got on, you following suit and holding on tight to his waist. You saw what happened to Itona all those years ago and didn't want that to happen to you, but it never has. Besides it was mainly his fault for not holding onto Yoshida.

He left the garage slowly at first before going onto the road. He sped up gradually into the speed limit and drove to a commonly vacant road to have a little fun with the isolated area. The two of you yelled at the sky after you stopped. You yelled out all your fears and frustrations. It always made the two of you feel better and get to know each other more but kinda indirectly. It was a great way to stay well communicated. And it was always so much fun, nobody could tell you two to be quiet because you were alone together. Away from judgment and just society in general.

After a while of yelling and your voices were hoarse he drove the two of you back to his place. He parked his bike and took your helmet to hang it up where it belonged.

"Wanna go to my room and sleep? I'm pretty tired.." He said, voice scratchy.

"Yeah let's go!" You smiled softly and followed him with linked pinkies to his room. He grabbed pajamas for you and himself as he left to get changed in the bathroom and you in his room. Quickly changing into his large T-shirt and basketball shorts you crawled into his bed after stuffing your clothes in the corner.

Soon he joined you in the room. "Goodnight~" He hummed and held onto you. You held him too, both of you on your sides and peaceful expressions.

"Nighty night. Love you... Taisei..." You sleepily said before falling asleep.

"Love... you... too lovely.." He got out before falling asleep with you.

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