Balloon Phobia Scenario

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Reader with phobia of balloons

Characters include: Fuwa, Muramatsu, Yoshida, Terasaka, Itona, Kirara, Justice, Chiba, and Hayami.

Fuwa- She's definitely surprised when she learns you're scared of balloons. She was just looking through some at the store and picked one she liked before bringing it over to you. It didn't take long for her to figure out you don't like them at all so she put it back and promised to not get anymore.

Muramatsu- was like... SUPER confused. How could someone be scared of balloons? Eventually when he really saw how it freaked you out he said he wouldn't get them. He and the rest of his group think they're cheesy anyway.

Yoshida- he got water balloons and threw one at you when he found out. It was supposed to be a surprise that'd lead to a water balloon fight ya'know cutsey stuff like completely OBLITERATING your s/o with elastic water projectiles. He felt so bad and left to go to Muramatsu's house where he texted him to go outside and just used all of them on the poor blonde :(

Terasaka- He got it out of advice from Kirara who was scolding him about never getting you anything nice. She made him get you roses, chocolate, and a balloon tied to the chocolate. He just untied it and like the total 'environmentalist' he is just let it float off.

Itona- Lmao when would you ever catch this loser with a balloon? (I mean this lovingly)

Kirara- At first she thinks you're joking, but ultimately respects you boundaries with them and says they're cheesy anyways.

Justice- Literally DARTS out the room with it when he finds out. Unless it's the store then he just runs to put it back.

Chiba- Added a balloon to a Valentine's day gift that Hayami said you'd appreciate. Needless to say he got rid of the balloon and the later told Hayami so she could still help him plan your future gifts. (Ok you cannot argue with me they observe and babble back and forth for the perfect gift for people they like)

Hayami- Found out after making you a surprise party with like.. A whole room full of em. Once she realised she got them out of there like so fast you could barely see it happen.

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