Takuya Muramatsu X Reader. In the future..

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*Your POV*

I got up and slowly creeped out of bed so that my husband, Takuya, wouldn't wake up. I have a special surprise for him when he wakes.

I went to the kitchen and started to make food. Don't know what though, probably burnt pancakes with undercooked eggs and perfect bacon. The bacon is only perfect because I've made it every single day of my life since I was 5.

After I was (somewhat) proud of what I made I walked back to our room. I woke him up gently(not really). I smiled and then he saw the food I had prepared then gave me a confused look. I smiled.

"Happy Father's Day. I love you." He hesitantly took the food. He gave me another confused face.

"I'm not a father. But this looks good." I almost laughed at how dense he can be, but kept my composure.

"Well, in 8 and a half months you will be." It took half a month for me to gather enough courage to tell him. It also took that long to come up with a plan.

Basking in how clever I was, I finally realized he was chocking on his food. I panicked until he spit it out.


"Are you mad at meee?" I gave him the puppy face he could never break.

"No. Just it took me by surprise is all."

"Do you want the baby? Or-"

"Of course I do. It's with you after all." We both smiled.

"I love you Takuya" I kissed his nose just to tease him.

"I love you too." He spoke to my stomach and not me. I started to pout a bit. He raised his head.
"And you" He went to give me a hug, but spilled the breakfast I had made him in the process.



"Just kidding. You took a bit to respond so it had time to cool." I poked him and then ran off.

*Takuya's POV*

Sometimes I wonder why I married her. I sweat dropped.

I hope you liked this one. I just had inspiration for this so yeah.

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