16yrold Chiba x 12yrold Fiancée Reader. Siblings.

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Requested by: rosewhite13

*Your POV*

I have 10 brothers. My oldest brother is Tai, he is helpful in emotional stuff, kind, overprotective of only ME, but can be lazy when it comes to chores. My 2nd oldest brother, Akkey, he, doesn't have a set personality, he can be super extroverted one minute, then turn introverted the next, except he is also extremely overprotective of me. My 3rd oldest brother, Akri, he is dense af, and wears the most fashionable outfits as if he is in a fashion show. Then the oldest triplet Ariex is a huge perv.... For other boys, but not his brothers! Nix, one of the other triplets cannot be separated from Akri, but Nix is smart. Then there is me the youngest triplet, by 4 minutes, Ariex is older by 5 minutes, Nix is older by 4 minutes,and I'm the only girl in the house, my mom died because some idiot thought it would be funny to run her over. My younger brother, Lulu, takes care of the animals, the animals like basically nobody else, he also is gay and has a boyfriend named Haruka, but Haru for short. On to my 3rd grader brother, Neo has a bunch of phobias, Arachnophobia fear of spiders, Germiphobia fear of germs, Phobophobia fear of phobias, Agroraphobia fear of  leaving the house, Sonophobia fear of loud sounds so he has soundproof headphones on at all times, Catoptrophobia fear of mirrors, and a lot more phobias. My 2nd grader brother Orange, he's named that because he only likes the color orange he never liked any other color, and he only eats oranges, I don't know why, but he will drink water. Then Din is popular, not a jerk one though, he shares almost everything. And my baby brother, Reid, he has no personality he just lays in his crib, never cries, and uses the toilet! He's 1.

I am the fiancée of Ryuunosuke Chiba, he's older by 4 years. We are getting married because when I was 4 and he was 8, I promised him I would marry him, and he agreed. We have been dating from then on. My mom and dad were happy because I've already found someone, and we both knew this wasn't child love. One time when I was 6, I was pushed off a bridge and he jumped off and held me even when we hit water, I couldn't swim very well then so he swam me to shore. I just wanted to be around him more and more! And even after being sent to 3 class, he made time for me,and never failed to make me happy. My overprotective brothers are fine with him too! And are actually the ones who convinced him to ask me to marry me, even though we're still quite young.

*Ryuunosuke POV*

"YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED!?!" How did these people in my class know?

*Fllllaaaaaassshhhhhbbbbaaaaccckkkk*(get the reference?)

They were watching the proposal.

*Flashback end*


"Class, what are you all doing surrounding Chiba's desk?" Koro-sensei.

"CHIBA'S GETTING MARRIED!! Wait are we invited?" Kayade asked.

"It's up to (Y/N)." I got up and walked away.

Done. How was this? Will you invite them? I made all your siblings to fill it in a bit. I had no idea what to do.

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