Ren X Reader

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This isn't an opposite universe where you decide to like him back from the last one but I just felt bad so I made this. Besides, he's a pretty boi. Just look at him. Pretty.

*3rd POV*

Walking down the trail to class 3-E, (Y/N) passed Kanzaki. Being good friends and all, they started chatting and walking up together, later on meeting up with Sugino, Okuda, and Kaede. Karma was most likely skipping with Nagisa or something. The five people eventually reached the small building and dispersed to their seats.

As much as (Y/N) loves their friends, they couldn't help but be jealous of a certain raven haired girl. She was beautiful, talented, smart, and all around just perfect. She generated so much attention towards her. That includes (Y/N)'s little crush, Ren Sakakibara.

They didn't know exactly what it was that made them like him. Maybe his way with words, his romantic persona, his dazzling good looks, the fack that he obviously doesn't mind flirting with those of class 3-E, maybe it was how responsible he was but still manages to have a bad boy side, or possibly how he can keep Asano for the most part in line. Whatever it was they just knew they loved him. But they felt like a grain of sand in a desert compared to Kanzaki, the oasis in a desert, or so you've heard Sugino say. Not the insulting you part but the Kanzaki thing.

Class soon began and most took notes, after roll call. Following their classes was lunch. (Y/N) couldn't wait for PE. It wasn't their favourite, but rather it's sparring day. They'd have a chance to beat the shit out of someone and blame it on PE. Except if they were paired with Terasaka. That would suck.

However it was still lunch. (Y/N) got out their bento and started eating under their favorite tree. Their friends soon joined them and just as magically as Karma and Nagisa disappeared they reappeared then. Nagisa apologised for being gone for the beginning and Karma decided to make a joke.

"Oh? Well you weren't sorry earlier. Well you might have been, I just couldn't hear you because my name was being yelled out."

"KARMA NOT HERE!" Nagisa replied with a red face.

"YEAH KARMA! That's only for the bedroom." (Y/N) added.

"NOT YOU TOO!!" Nagisa freaked out.

"What's the matter Nagisa? It's only natural." Karma.

"The teasing. Especially when with Karma." You.

"You act like you've been with hime before." Kaede and Nagisa both said at the same time.

"What ew no. Besides I like someone else." Maybe (Y/N) shouldn't have said that because they all became frighteningly attentive to the conversation at hand. Despite everyone telling their crushes to their fellow gendered classmates, you managed to weasel out of it by going to bed early. So naturally they were all curious.

"Who is it? We're friends so you can tell us!" Kanzaki pushed into the conversation.

"Yeah what she said." Sugino backed her up.

You stayed silent debating on whether or not to tell them. But then they'd probably pity you. Maybe you could lie? No. It doesn't matter how good of a liar you are your best friend will always see through you. (Except Nagisa lol he blind.) So you just didn't say anything and frowned despite the blush and thoughts of Ren.

They took the frown as a sign not to push it any further. Instead they branched off of that topic into something much more comfortable to talk about.

After lunch and the next class it was finally PE. It was indeed sparring partners and you unfortunately got paired up with Karma. Though you did wanna beat him to a pulp, it wouldn't work out. He'd find a way to outsmart you. He was bigger, stronger, smarter, faster, and he knew that. But today you weren't having it. After a while of him taunting and dodging, you got a very heavy punch into his gut, followed by a kick in his unmentionables. He didn't like that very much and after writhing on the floor bitch slapped you and kicked your side into a nearby tree. The swap between blows was exchanged between the two of you until the class was over. You and Karma each left with a bloody body full of scratches and bruises that hurt like hell. But it was worth it. You both were able to let off steam and tease each other on how hitable they were. You two were the only ones that left with wounds, for everyone else it was just a leisurely brawl while for you and Karma it was a full on war of power.

"Why did you two go so hard?" Kaede asked (Y/N) and Karma. They were all walking down the mountain and in response to her question you both shrugged with a

"It was entertaining" added to it. Finally making it down the mountain, there were 5 people standing there, waiting for the failures to appear.

"Well well well if it isn't the class E rejects." Asano's snarky voice spoke up. Karma took this as an invitation to start a verbal war with him again. While those two were arguing, your eyes could only be met with pure sadness as you watched your crush flirt with your best friend and Sugino threatening the taller male to 'back off or else.' Everyone was busy with something so nobody cought your stare, or noticed when you walked away with tears following your path. All (Y/N) wants is for Ren to notice they exist but he's too caught up in Kanzaki and other, prettier girls to notice you. Loving from afar and imagining you in her position was all you could do.

The next day, you walked up and into the building by yourself impossibly early in the morning to avoid Kanzaki a little bit. You didn't want to seem weak and break down in front of her. Her caring personality would kick in and if you told her it was her fault who knows how you could damage her. Besides she looks so happy. She probably enjoys the attention. How Sugino fights to keep her despite her not being his.

"Hey (Y/-"

"Go away Koro-Sensei. I don't want to talk about it."

"On the contrary young (Y/N) you need to talk about it. So tell me, what's making you so sad?" You rested your head on your arms as you look down in shame.

"It's just... I dunno. Boy problems I guess..." Koro-Sensei smiled wider.

"EEEEEEE one of my students has a crush~ I wonder who it could be! Oh this is so cute!~" he fanboyed and wrote down something in his notebook.
"So who is it~"

"Promise not to tell ANYONE?" He nodded vigorously.
"It's Ren from 3-A...." You whispered out. He seemed to fanboy for a little while before he suddenly stopped.

"Oh. I see your dilemma now.. He shows interest in only Kanzaki. I didn't think it would be that serious of an issue, maybe just jitters and confidence issues."

"Well there's that too. There's just too many issues and so many ways for him to reject me... And what if she likes the attention? Will she not like me for taking that away....?" You frowned and leaned back in you seat.

"Just tell him. If it upsets Kanzaki I'll explain it to her, and maybe Sugino will take that as an excuse to ask her out! And even if he does reject you it will give you that little boost to get over him."

"Yeah it would but it would still hurt."

"Many things in life will hurt, just take it as a stepping stone into becoming invincible when you're older." He acted like he was so smart. Little did he know just how sensitive (Y/N) actually was.

*le time skip to after school*

(Y/N) was going to tell him today if it killed them. After a little walking their fake confidence started to leave the a little until they saw Koro-Sensei stuck in a tree giving them a 'thumbs up'. It made them laugh, and it caught a certain boy's attention.

"Oh hey there cutie, (Y/N) right?" You blushed a tiny bit as he had remembered your name. He'd only heard it once before right?

"Yup, That's me!" You popped out the 'p' to add some personality when you spoke.

"You're always hanging out with Kanzaki, could you maybe put in a good word for me? I'll owe you." Those words hurt but you pushed past them. Now or never.

"Actually, I was looking for you to ask you something..." He raised an eyebrow "Well I was wondering if you would maybe want to go out on a date... With me?" You fiddled with your hair and barely looked up at him.

His lack of response and shocked face made you worry.
"I'm sorry it was a stupid question to ask. I'll put in a good word..." (Y/N) said, heartbreak lacing their voice.

"Wait no." He stopped you from moving forward. "I'll take you up on that offer." He smiled and you smiled back.


"Yup!" He said mocking your earlier tone. You jumped up and down so happy he said yes! Even if it was out of pity you were so happy!

if only you knew he was using you to make her jealous.....

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