Teppei X Reader.

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Public speaking. Not your strongest suit, but somehow your boyfriend seemed to specialize in it. How you landed someone who could effortlessly talk to a crowd full of strangers, or come up with new topic so easily to keep conversation flowing, it was so... foreign. So strange.

"..N). (Y/N)~ (Y/NNNNNN)!" Teppei waved his hand in front of your face. You jolt slightly and blush a bit.

"W-what's up Teppei?" You sunk slightly into your shirt. You zoned out a lot and he always cought it.

"I asked where you want to go for lunch. It's Saturday after all. And I'm hungry!" He smiled and put the hand that was previously in front of your face into your hand.

"Ah how about the place we went to a couple months ago?" You suggested.

"Before or after I confessed?"

"Before. I loved the takoyaki they served there~!" You hummed and nearly drooled at the thought.

"So that one. Well let's go! My treat. I know you skipped breakfast this morning so don't be afraid to eat however much you want!" He said in a happy tone begining to walk to the lunch place.

"Aww yeah! Free food!" You smiled. Arguing with him over this was futile as he won the last 7 times you said you'd pay. So now you just accept it.

"You're so cute~ anyways did you score well on your test yesterday? You got it back if I am correct." He asked. He was always 100% more worried about your grades than you. He still had a reputation, despite being in a different high school now.

"I did! I got a 97!" You smiled. It wasn't that hard, after all he had tutored you before hand.

"Good job!" He smiled. He does it often but everytime it make you happy knowing yoy made him smile. Who wouldn't?

"Thanks!" You slightly swung both of your hands as the two of you walked.

"Mhm." He allowed you to swing your arms, though he saw no use to it. Just before he could say something else you interrupted him.

"So what do you wanna do after lunch?" You ask curiously.

"Why don't we have a chill day?" He said.

"Hmm okay!" You agreed.

With that the two of you grabbed food for takeout and once you got it made your way to his house. It was usually empty and today was no exception.

"Make yourself at home!" He said.

"With how often I come over it practically is my home." You joked. He laughed.

"Yeah you're right. As always." He kissed your forehead and got out the food before handing you what you ordered.

"Thank you for the meal!" The two of you said before digging in. After your meal he turned on the TV and opened his arms to cuddle you. He wasn't too big on it but knew you liked it so he's fine with it. Anything for his lovely (Y/N).

You laid in his arms for a while just playing your phone before you had an idea.

"Hey can I paint your nails?" You ask.

"What where did this come from? And why?" He asked.

"I dunno I just wanna paint your nails. I'll paint mine so we match too!" You smiled up at him and he blushed.

"Fine just nothing too gaudy." He agreed quicker than you expected.

"Yay! I promise I won't!" You smile and ran to grab your backpack, which had nail polish in it. You grabbed out the yellow and the blue.
"Hey babe? Yellow or dark blue?" You asked.

"Dark blue." He answered. You walked over with the polish and opened it. He gave you his hand and you carefully put it on. However because he was so shakey you made a bit of a mess on his hand but it still looked good.

"Other one." You reached for his other hand which he gave you. The things he'd do for you...

Once you finished painting his nails, the second hand looking considerably better than the the first, you began painting your own. Of course the paint on your dominant hand was a little worse but it still looked good.

"See we match!" You held out your nails so he could see.

"Yeah we do." He sighed. "You're such a dork. I love you." He kissed your lips for a few seconds before pulling away. You laughed a little.

"Your dork! I love you too Teppei!" You kissed his cheek and went back to cuddling.

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