Crossover.... is.... something.

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Umm... I can't think of anything so. This is just normal. Sorry for taking so long to update, moving, no internet, and procrastination stalled me.

Also this will be a Takuya x Reader because he is my favorite.

(Takuya's POV)

'Okay so if 31x-4=8,(the answer is x=12/31 BTW) what would x be? I wish I would have paid attention!' I look over to the rest of the class thinking maybe the answer will magically come to my brain. Then I heard a page flip. I looked towards the direction of the sound, and see (Y/N) already done. 'Is it her goal to always finish first? Karma does look irritated every time she does this, but she isn't paying attention to him.' She took out her notebook she writes in every single day. Nobody knows what it says but her. Trust me, we held a meeting about it and the spent 3 and a half days trying to read it.

(Your POV)

'Our overnight field trip is tomorrow... FUN. Maybe I shouldn't bring my notebook? No, come on (Y/N) back on the topic!' I read my reasons again and again. Over and over. Yet, after 2 days of thinking, I can't find how Terasaka is better than peanut butter.

"Hehe. Peanut butter." I let that slip from my mouth to see if anyone would be confused. Sure enough, they all looked at me with questioning faces, except Terasaka. We had an argument about peanut butter. He says I eat too much of it. I say it better than talking to him 24/7. That was a great day.

I flipped to the back of my notebook. There it stated, 'Why I love Takuya Muramatsu', and underneath was over 100 reasons why. Some being cheesy, dumb, or lack so much reason behind them. Like,
'Reason 23: His teeth are different, and add so much personality and figure.'
'Reason 98: He can be so kind to people he's friends with, or trusts!'

I silently giggled to myself as I thought of how separate he was from other people's appearances and personalities!

(Koro-sensei's POV)

*currently planing with Irina about stuff*

*timeskip brought to you by Terasaka*

(Takuya's POV)

"WAKE UP SLEEPING BEAUTY! WE'RE HERE!" (Y/n) yelled at the sleeping figure of me.

"I was having the best dream about an angel fish trying to save the multiverse from attacking Rio, and Terasaka being the princess that Rio was protecting. While I was just peacefully making (Y/n) some raman."

"Seriously? You should tell me all the details sometime! Also, what are you on?"

"What?" I asked completely confused.

"What?" She acts as if I never said anything.

"You said we're here. Right?"

"Yes. Now I'm going to go find the food court."


(Your POV)

I was writing in my notebook, when the girls decided to start a conversation. Rio creepily got next to my ear, while I closed my notebook.

"What?" I 'politly' asked.

"Soooo (Y/N), who do you have a crush on~" I'm guessing that's what they were talking about earlier.

"Muramatsu. Why?"

"Just curious~"

"Rio, are you sure your not a lesbian?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Because if you aren't, and even if you are, get of of my back."

"If you show us your notebook." Kayade chimed in.

I showed them the first page, which was just covered with algebra. Rio followed by getting off of me.

"I heading to the springs." I needed time alone.

"We'll come too!" That all barked.

"Nevermind then."


After all of the 3 hours I spent with people yelling in my ears we were finally back.

*Timeskip. I know there are a lot in here right now just bere with me here.*

Unfortunately, no got no sleep last night. I wanted to make sure nobody would go to tell Takuya I liked him in that way. Nobody did. Besides I want to tell him myself. Terasaka wanted me to hang around him and his little group once we got back. And I agreed. That was the worst mistake I have ever made. I now trapped in a closet, with Takuya. Stupid eavesdropers.

"Do you know why their doing this?" He asked breaking the awkward silence.

"Nope I diddly darn don't." Why. Just. Why?
I heard him stifle a laugh. He knows I talk like that when I lie. I think.

"Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhut it you pawn."


"Because your a dummy!" I could see him pout a little.
So cute.
To me, at least.

"This is why I love you." I wished so quietly and quickly. And when I realized what I said I covered my mouth with these things called lips.



"I like in that way too."


"Maybe you can see my notebook. But only you." I gave him the notebook and pounded on the door for Terasaka to open it. He did and I fell over.

What a day❤️

Sorry I haven't been on very often. I don't have internet, I have some what of a life, I have school, and I have to help out with so many different things. I hope you can understand.

Assassination classroom one shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant