Takuya Muramatsu x reader. Jerk!

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Edit: Oh my gosh this is so old and cringe. Please skip ahead like ~15 chapters to avoid headache and cringe 11 year old writing.

Being apart of the E class since the first year of Middle School is tough. You were constantly bullied because your parents wanted you to be in class E, only because they want the toughest childhood so you will not be a pushover in the future. For the most part it was working. Now you are a 3rd year student at Kunugigouka. (A/N I hope I spelled that right.)

*Your POV*

'Third year in middle school, and still my friend count is zero. Perfect.' You thought to yourself as, an overgrown talking squid? Walked in. 'That's pretty cool.' You thought again. The thing started to talk.

"Hello class, I am the being that destroyed over 70% of your moon!" It started to say, I didn't listen after that, but I did watch that government idiot try to stab him. 'Amusing.' You thought.

"Okay so that alien-" someone started but was cut off.

"I am not an alien! I am a Earthing born and breed!"

I walked over to the squid to say,

"Nobody gives a damn."

"TAKE YOUR SEAT MIss, um, pardon me, but what's your name?" It said

"Hmph, teacher doesn't know my name? Good. You'll find out sometime... Maybe. However, shouldn't you be teaching squid, instead of complaining. Your the teacher now, after all we wouldn't want your little identity cover being blown by this 'poor defenseless little girl', now would we? Also you should tell us your name first. Right?" I gave a smug look and it gave a poker face.

"Speechless I see, now get back to teaching. It'll be fun taunting you,'sir'" I teased.

"Dude, she's hot, smart, and the first time we hear her talk she tells off our new teacher like she doesn't have a single care in the world. Talk about hardcore!" Whatever. I wonder who said it. Wait, I'm NOT making any friends, so why learn their names? He is kinda right though, I don't have a single care in the world. Though one boy always caught my eye. I went back to my seat and used earphones to not pay attention because I already know this lesson.

\time skip to after school/

"Hey! You! Come here!" Some girl with long blonde hair said.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Want to hang out? I know who you like." She whispered the last part.

"Like? I don't even know who I like. To your question, no thank you." I replied.

"Do you even have any friends? Aren't you the girl who's parents died? Aren't you lonely?" She asked.

"I don't need friends, and no, my family didn't die. They left me. Loneliness is just a figure of speech. Friends are not what I'm looking for."

"You lead a sad life."

"I don't care."

"You know, Muramatsu likes you. Oh, yeah you don't bother to learn our names." She taunted.

"Okay so? Bye." I replied rather coldly.

\Time skip to next day/

'Which one is Muramatsu?' I thought. 'It doesn't even matter. Even if this person likes me, I'm a danger to society according to everybody. I have to be able to control my temper and my feelings so until I accomplish that, I will make zero friends.' I thought.

\time skip a few weeks./

'Damn these people don't give up.  Just great I have friends now. Their names are: Karma, Nagisa, Kayade, Nakamura, Sugino, Kanzaki, Okuda, and my crush Takuya Muramatsu. Wait didn't Nakamura tell me that Muramatsu liked me after around a week of school?' I thought.

"(Y/N), (Y/N)? You okay?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm good Karma."

"Ahh I see what's going on. You like someone don't you? Who is it?!"

"Pfft, what are you talking about? I don't like someone hehehe." I lied,  but he can't know!

"Yes you do! I know exactly who it is to! I'm gunna go tell him." He sang the last part. Great.

"NUUU! DON'T TELL HIM!!" I know he know s who it is because of a dumb truth or dare game two days ago.

"(Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N). You've had a crush for weeks now, You can tell him, or I WILL. He said in his teasing tone.

\time skip because the argument went on for 5 minutes./

"(Y/N)? Who's your crush?" None other than Muramatsu asked.

"*Audible gulp noise*. U-ummmm, NOBODY GOT TO GO BYE!" I said the last part fast so he would have to prosses the sentence before he asked anything.

*Karma's POV*

'Heh, she needs help confessing.'

"Hey, Muramatsu! Guess what?" He hummed in response.

"(Y/N) likes you more than a friend!" I'm going to die tomorrow but it will all be worth it.

\time skip to tomorrow/
*Your POV*

'Well I can never talk to Muramatsu ever again because of Karma.'

"(Y/N), is it true? Do you like me?" There he is just like this is scripted, just PERFECT.

"Yeah..." Was all I manages to say. It went silent, except for a certain octopus writing this all down.

"WELL! I have to go dig myself grave and craft a coffin bye." I panicked. I stood up from my desk to leave but, Terasaka and his group stopped me, minus Muramatsu because he was still frozen in place near my desk.

"Move so I can go die now."

"Can't. Just give him a few more minutes to processes what you just said." Kirara stated.

\time skip only a few minutes/(Still your POV)

"She..... likes me back?" Muramatsu finally said something, though it was barely audible.

"I give up. He's hopeless" Terasaka said. Muramatsu turned around, walked towards me, and gave me a hug. I was shocked, but i smiled, and kissed his teeth because he has buckteeth. (A/N Like me!) I broke free from his grasp to find Karma because I need to thank him, then kill him.

First one done.

I love Takuya he's my favorite character. Don't judge me please.

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