Takuya Muramatsu x Reader. Cri.

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Saddness. Time for saddness. I'm in the mood for saddness. What about you?

Thoughts and actions of suicide!! Do not attempt! If you are going through this, please find somebody to talk to. My ears are always open. Someone cares about you. If you can't think of anyone it is only because you haven't given anyone the chance to. If you don't think your beautiful, gorgeous, and fabulous, get a better mirror and stare a little longer. You'll find something you love. I know it. Stay strong. I may not know you, but I love you all so much. So please, don't go.

Enough of my little rant, enjoy!

*Your POV*

I've been his friend since kindergarten. Over time, I fell in love with him. I couldn't help it. He is really nice once you get to know him. I find it sweet.


He liked someone else. He liked this girl from the main building. She was beautiful. Long, ash brown hair that perfectly commented her fiery yet icy blue gaze. Pale skin that made her so radiant. Always had the best clothing because she came from a rich family. Unfortunately people that perfect and beautiful always have drawbacks. Nobody believed me when I told them she was mean. I know. I'm the adopted kid in our 'family'. She finds my fears and torture me with them.

She knows he likes her. She knows I like him. That's why she pretends to like him. She asked him out, and made sure I was there to see it. He accepted without hesitation. It broke me. People always asked what happened with us. (The low-key shippers.) I didn't know how to answer without breaking down. So I didn't.

Naomi- the girl- has been putting on this charade for a few weeks. It broke me, and she knew it. She'd kiss him to make me sad. She took him away from me. We aren't even really friends anymore because she's been taking all of his time. He doesn't even hang out with Terasaka or Yoshida, not even Hazama. It hurts.

Koro-sensei asked me to go to the main building to bring principal Asano some papers, and an invitation to a tea party.

That's when I felt someone shove me into a small, dark, janitor closet. I knew it was Naomi. She knows I'm scared of three things.
Small spaces, Being forgotten, and the dark. She's combined all three. Not at the same time, but all of them had an effect right now.


Panicing was an understatement. What felt like a day later, there was a knob jiggling. Someone was about to let me out. I don't care who it was, I just want out.

The moment they opened the door they gave me a hug and asked if I was okay. I could tell by the simple feeling of slime that it was Koro-sensei. I looked to the side to see Terasaka.

"He noticed you were still gone. Of course I had to wait to avoid being spotted by students. I'm so sorry (Y/N). Tell me who did this please." I was crying like crazy for my response. Nothing could stop tears from coming out.

Terasaka brought me home. I didn't want to go back to school. So I didn't. I stayed alone. In my softly light room. Enough to keep the fear at bay.

I cried, and cried, and cried. I grabbed the gun out of my dresser drawer. My room was sound proof, and I had a silencer. Nobody would hear this. With my final breath, I put the gun to my head and fired. It only hurt for a second.

Life is so unfair...

*3rd POV*

Everyone had questioned where (Y/N) was. Nobody dared look in their room ever.

Naomi and Muramatsu were called to the principal's office later that week.

"Hello sir." Naomi said in her sweetest voice possible.

"Do you two know what happened to (Y/N)? She hasn't been showing up for school lately." The principal asked the two. A not-so-well-disguised Koro-sensei and Terasaka were there too.

"No sir, did something happen?" She acted as if she'd done nothing wrong. When reality disagreed. She brought someone to the edge, brought someone to commit suicide for her own sick amusement. It was discusting.

"According to Terasaka and security cameras, you shoved her into the janitorial closet a little more than a week ago." He replied.

"Wait- Naomi is that true?" Takuya asked taken aback by their assumption.

"No! I'd never do anything like that. Not to one of my Takuya's best friends!" She is nothing but lies.

"Then explain this." He showed them the tape.
"I'm afraid I will have no choice but to expell you. I do not need or want anyone like you in this institute."

"Tch whatever. Takuya we're done. I've done what I needed to do with you." With that she left.

Takuya ran off. In the direction of (Y/N)'s place. There he saw sirens, ambulance sirens. Police sirens. He showed up to see a glimpse of (Y/N). He couldn't believe it.

"I HAVE TO SEE HER!! SHE'S MH BEST FRIEND!!!" They allowed him to pass, when an officer asked him a few questions, the basic ones. A few stood out but he didn't care. He just wanted to know what happened.

"She's dead. According to our studies, she's been dead for a week. Do you know what may have caused he suicide?" He shook his head no. That's when he finalh looked at his phone. They had texted him.

From: (Y/N)

Hey. Just wanted you to know that I love you. You won't see me around anymore. I couldn't Bare to see you with my 'sister' anymore. By the time you read this I'll be gone. I hope your happy with Naomi! Love you.... I guess that all.... Bye.

How badly he wanted to change your last talk. An argument about Naomi. Everything you said was right.
He started to cry. He just wanted to see your shining eyes again. Just wanted to hear your voice one last time. Feel your touch. But it was too late. He looked at your pale, lifeless body and said

"(Y/N), I love you too."

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