Teppei X Reader.

155 4 13

Requested by: -Sevexy-

This was an interesting request!it took a moment to think of something and the terrible internet connection didn't help either.

*3rd POV*

After the entire incident, and graduation, Asano threw a party for Class 3-A and 3-B tonight. As much as (Y/N) would have loved to be in the same class as their crush, they couldn't quite reach the standards needed for that class. No matter how much they studied. But luck was on their side as (Y/N)'s strides to reach 3-A were only in slight vain. They managed to reach and stay in 3-B, which again, was also permitted to the party.

(Y/N) was so exited to the point of preparing two weeks before what they were going to wear, what they were going to say to Teppei, and how they were going to avoid Ren. He had the hots for (Y/N) and was making that very clear to everyone for years. Just like (Y/N) was making it very clear they didn't feel the same. (Y/N) saw he flirted with everyone and hated that. Sure they wanted someone confidant but not that type of confidant.

*Your POV*

I'm hurting to get ready, the party wasn't for like 3 hours but I want to make sure I'm ready and have some time to go over my lines to impress and possibly seduce Teppei. Maybe I should add a little French? I'd have to Google it though...'I may not speak French, but I will use the language to seduce Teppei!' I thought confidently to myself.

I quickly put on my dress/suit and styled my hair to how I wanted with the aid of my guardian(s)(or not it you have no hair.) I looked in the mirror happy with how I look for once in my life. I run to the bathroom again to prepare speaking again.

"Hello I'm (Y/N)! May I just say you look very handsome. So how are you doing this lovely evening?"
"Me? Oh I'm doing great! Would you like a snack?" I don't know how he'd respond so I just wait a few seconds longer than I did the first time.
"This school year has been crazy, hasn't it? I mean 3-E started getting better so- Suddenly- ya know? I wonder what they've been doing!" I smile at my mirror and tuck a hair strand behind my ear. I pretend like we've been talking for a while and a slow song finally comes on.
"Oh man I love this song! Would you perhaps honor me with a dance, Teppei?"

I hope he says yes when I actually ask him! I've been practicing. Though it was with a broom, but that's okay! 'At least I won't be absolutely terrible when the time comes!'

I look over my notes one final time on how to avoid Ren before I feel confident. I smile to myself and make my way out to my living room to watch TV for the remaining time I have left.

*le time skip to arriving at the party*

This was it! I was going to ask him to dance at some point.
Walking in, there were already around 20 people there meaning it was around half of all of the people invited. Instantly I saw Asano and his little group of nerds. I wanted to walk over. To start my little plan. But Ren was over there. I'll wait until he goes to flirt with a girl or something.

It's been about 20 minutes, and only Asano has left the little clique to talk to his dad. Who I'm guessing wasn't told about this due to the angry look on his face. Oof.

Ren was starting to move! Oh no. Why is he heading this way? Oh dear god that's way too close to where I'm at.

I started to move away from where I was standing to see something. The worst thing happened. He was following and adapting to my change in position. He had spotted me. I scowled.

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