Takuya Muramatsu x Reader. Second.

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*Your POV*

I'm second best. In class 1A. Everyone knows the first, but never bother to even look at the second. I'm only second because everybody avoids me, making it hard to focus on anything that isn't school. How does Asano do it?! How does he maintain great friends, get good grades, look flawless, and be so athletic? Saying I'm jealous of him is an understatement, compared to me he's a Saint! He doesn't have to kill his mind thinking of his crush because every single girl in this school loves him and would probably give up all their limbs to come within two feet of the guy!

"(L/N), you've been known to kill anyone that even comes near you! Is this true or is someone spreading lies~" Speak of the devil and three seconds later he's magically there. Wait... He believes it's true. Why else would he be 5 feet away from me.

"I'm not a virus, I don't do things like that. My sister spread the rumor and if you're going to talk to me don't be 5 feet away from me. It shows you have no interest in what I have to say." I replied with my monotone voice, that apparently scares people. *Cough* the little bitches in the corner telling Asano how scared they are. *Cough*

"Are you sure?" Why tell him something different if he's just going to say I'm a liar?

"If you say I do, then I do. If you say I don't, I don't."

"So, you do?" And here I was thinking he was smart.

"Being raised in an army base does have its perks." Not really. I despise it.

"So you do.... Killer." He says one more word and I will become one.

I left the scene. I don't care anymore. I jogged to the principal's office to request being sent to the E Class pronto.
I knocked on the door to hear a small 'come in' probably because the entire room is almost completely sound proof. Upon walking in, I began to speak.

"I want to go to the End Class." Asano is annoying. The kid, not the principal.

"(L/N) you can't go to the End Class because you have done nothing wrong and are one of my best students." So?

"Please." It didn't even sound like I meant it.

"I'm afraid I have to decline your request." Why?

"Then I guess I'll have to break some rules untill you allow me to go." I was not dealing with anyone's shit today.

"...*Sigh* Are you good at fighting?"

"Please, I was requested as an assassin to kill this octopus thing once. It wasn't that long ago, but I think it's still alive. Never told otherwise. Why?"

"Wait, you know about the octopus?"

"Yep. Heard he's tall."

"You'll be transferred instantly. Your first day starts tomorrow." I fist bumped the air and a non erasable smile plastered on my face just continued to grow.

"Thank you!!!" I bowed and left. Maybe I can hang out with Terasaka's group of pals. I like the one with the large teeth. I think he's kinda cute.

Stop being a small school-girl (Y/N). You're there to get away from Assano. And to kill an octopus.


Walking up the mountain wasn't that hard. I don't know why they complained about it. I find it relaxing. But, I did set a building on fire when they asked me if Pepsi was okay when I clearly asked for Cola. I did let that go, but when I asked for a cream soda (or pop, whichever you prefer.) they said they were fresh out. Thinking about it now I may have overreacted just a tiny bit...

I reach the classroom and I could hear Koro-sensei begin to say there would be a new student. Ignoring whether or not he was done introducing me, I walked in.

"Where is my seat, octopus?" Wait, respect were did you go?

"Ehhhhhh?! (L/N)! You were supposed to wait until I finished!!!!" I was sure everyone was staring at me. Fun.

"First, call me by my first name. My last name is stained in blood. Second, you may be fast, but your intros are really slow. Third, WhEre dO i SiT?"

"(Y/N) you sit next to Karma. AND MY BEAUTIFUL INTRODUCTIONS ARE NOT SLOW!!!" Karma.... The red head in the back? Literally the only open seat. Is that a box? Did they trap a girl in there? Wow kinky.


So I learned all their names, and that Ritsu is anything but kinky. Stupid me jumping to conclusions. I did end up in Terasaka's group. That made me happy.
I only fell for Muramatsu though. Even more. Again. Okay I've always liked him like that.

"(Y/N), do you want to go to get some candy with me? I owe your brother some." Yoshida asked me.

"Uhh.. sure. Wait why do you owe  my brother candy?" I was genuinely confused.

"He gave me blackmail!" Wow. What did I expect?

"Okay. Blackmail on me I'm guessing."


"We aren't going by motorcycle."

"What! Why?"

"You don't have your licence yet. And sorry I'm not sorry, but even if you did I would not not hang on to you." His response was just a pout.

Then he looked as if he had the best comeback ever.

"But you'd hang onto Muramatsu if it were him driving, correct?" My face became warm. Probably 82 shades of red. Damn my brother. That's why you don't trust siblings with your crush information.
"So that's a yes?" Thing is, Takuya was only an arm length away from this conversation. I looked over and he looked redder than Kirishima's hair. (Those who get the reference are my new best friend.)

Tbh he looked quite adorable.

"If I said I would, I would. If I said I wouldn't I wouldn't. It only depends on what his opinion is. But I only platonically love you soooooo yeah."

"Wait does that mean you like me romantically?" Oh yea he's still there. I think I was blushing even more than Kayano does every time someone tells her that she and Nagisa would be cute together.

"Possibly." Teasing is so fun.

"So, you do?"

"Never said I did."



"If you did, I like that way too!" Wait wut?

"I'm just going to go." Yoshida said almost ruining the moment between me and Takuya.

"Well, I do like you that way!" He lit up. Both in red and happiness. A lopsided smile graced his lips, and I couldn't help but smile to. There was a comfortable silence.


I answered my phone as fast as I possibly could.


"I'm going to get the candy now. Bye." Idnsfridjh that was a useless call.

"So are we-" He Bagan just to be interrupted by my fabulous ass.

"Yeah. You free Saturday?" He nodded.

"Then it's a date!" I was celebrating internally.

Bonus bit

"Let me go so I can kill Yoshida for not even waiting a second when he got down the hill. I wanted candy." Takuya was holding me back so I wouldn't kill anybody. For today.

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