Rio Nakamura X Reader

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*2nd POV*

The moment the bell rang Nakamura darted her way out of the classroom and down the mountain in an astounding 3 minutes versus the usual 9 to get down the mountain. She didn't want you to wait for long so the moment she finally reached the base she buckled over and panted in exhaustion before lifting herself up to meet your eyes.

"Oh hey there" she swallowed her spit "one second..." She huffed.
"Anyways how was your day?" She asked to make at least a little small talk while she recovered.

"Good! You know you didn't have to come running down like a maniac." You laugh.

"B-" she huffed put a ball of air. "But I didn't want to keep you waiting for too long!" She exclaimed as she grabbed your arm and started to walk towards the café you both agreed on going to together as a date. She didn't know how she got to go on a date with someone fron the main building, much less you. However she wasn't going to take that for granted. She smiled as you intertwined your fingers on the walk.

"So how was your day?" You asked as you forgot to ask earlier.

"Great! I mean the classes weren't boring and now i get to go on a date with you! Everything is going just right today~" she hummed out with enjoyment. You smiled and when you reached the café she opened the door for you.

"What're you gonna get?" You asked.

"I think I'll get the strawberry cheesecake. You?"

"Uuhhh one second." You stuffed your head in the menu before deciding on what you wanted and placed your order.

After eating your food and an argument over who would pay you both ended up just paying for yourselves. You smiled and grabbed her hand as she walked you to the park where the two of you had a lot of fun on the swings just talking about whatever.

She walked you home and you two ended up texting until 2 in the morning.

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